Travel dedicated toward experiencing the arts, heritage, and character of a place.
Includes urban tourism, visiting historical or interesting cities, such as London, Paris, Prague, Rome, Cairo, Beijing, Kyoto, and experiencing their cultural heritages. May also consist of specialized cultural experiences, such as art museum tourism where one visits many art museums during the tour, or opera tourism where one sees many operas or concerts during the tour.
Cultural tourism includes the artistic, cultural and historical offerings of an area that attract and/or extend the stay of visitors, as well as the provision of accommodations such as food, transportation and lodging to these persons.
Tourism that focuses on the culture of a destination – the lifestyles, heritage, arts, industries and leisure pursuits of the local population. It can include attendance at cultural events, visits to museums and heritage places and mixing with local people. Cultural tourism includes Indigenous tourism.
Tourism based on festivals, carnivals, religious events, parades and heritage celebrations of all kinds including re-enactments; all aspects of travel whereby people learn about each other's ways of life and thought; a means of promoting cultural relations and international cooperation.
As long as wreck divers do not damage a historically valuable wreck, it should remain available for everybody. Unfortunately, some valuable wrecks (at least here in Sweden) have been damaged, resulting in all diving prohibited on those sites. Pity. Cultural tourism with minimal impact should be ideal for everybody. See Look but don't touch.
Cultural tourism (or culture tourism) is the subset of tourism concerned with a country or region's culture, especially its arts. It generally focuses on traditional communities who has diverse customs, unique form of art and distinct social practices, which basically distinguishes it from other types/forms of culture. Cultural tourism includes tourism in urban areas, particularly historic or large cities and their cultural facilities such as museums and theatres.