An instruction to carry out a mathematical operation upon a function.
a symbol consisting of one or more characters that designates an operation.
In computer expressions operators are the manipulate objects. Operators are the symbols that represent specific actions. For example, in the expression + x, x and are operands and + is an operator.
A symbol indicating an operation and itself the subject of the operation. It indicates the process that is being performed. For example, + is addition, - is subtraction, × is multiplication, and / is division.
A mathematical symbol that stands for a specific operation upon a variable or function. See linear operator, del operator, Laplacian operator.
In an expression, a reserved symbol or character that specifies a type-specific operation.
(mathematics) a symbol that represents a function from functions to functions; "the integral operator"
a special symbol that performs an action with one or more variables
a symbol applied to data values (such as variables) that causes the computer to carry out a specific operation on that data (for example, multiplication, subtraction)
a symbol or a set of symbols that define how to treat data in relation to other data stored in the program
a symbol or keyword that is used for operations on data types
a symbol or keyword that manipulates, combines, or transforms data
a symbol or sign used in javascript to identify a specific operation
a symbol (or sometimes word) used to manipulate expressions
a symbol or word that does math and data manipulation
a symbol specifying an action that is performed on one or more expressions
a symbol that causes the compiler to take an action
a symbol that controls the search
a symbol that instructs C to perform some operation, or action, on one or more operands
a symbol that operates on one or more arguments to produce a result
a symbol that represents a mathematical or a logical operation
a symbol that tells the computer to perform certain mathematical or logical operation
a symbol that transforms a value or combines it in some way with another value
a symbol used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and other calculations
a symbol used for evaluation of an expression
a symbol used to manipulate the data
a symbol which, when combined with one or more "operands" (constants, variables, or expressions), changes the value of the operands or produces a new value based on them
a symbol with an associated known operation to the language
a word or symbol that does math and data manipulation
Anything that modifies a term or equation. In the equation 2 + 2 = 4, the plus sign is an operator. When searching on the Web, you can often use special symbols or words to build a search "equation" that is often more effective than searching for a single word or phrase.
A symbol which represents an operation to be performed on operands. For example, +, *, /.
A symbol, such as =, , +, -, that invokes an operator function.
A symbol that defines a mathematical action. X is the multiplication operator Output Anything that is produced by your PC
A logical or mathematical symbol that serves as part of an expression in code. Plus and minus signs are examples of math operators; the greater-than symbol () is an example of a logical operator.
Symbol ( atom) that may be placed before its operant (prefix), after its operant (postfix) or between its two operants (infix). In Prolog, the expression a+b is exactly the same as the canonical term +(a,b).
One or more symbols that specify how the operand or operands of an expression are manipulated.
1. a function, macro, or special operator. 2. a symbol that names such a function, macro, or special operator. 3. (in a function special form) the cadr of the function special form, which might be either an operator 2 or a lambda expression. 4. (of a compound form) the car of the compound form, which might be either an operator 2 or a lambda expression, and which is never (setf symbol).
Special functions names which are represented by special symbols (e.g. +, -, *, /, , , ++)
A symbol (such as +, -, *) that represents an operation (in this case, addition, subtraction, multiplication).
Symbol (+,-,*,/,=, etc.) representing an operation to be performed.
A mathematical symbol (such as +) or logical keyword (such as AND) that is a part of an expressions.
(a) A symbol to denote an operation, such as multiplication or comparison, which is applied to numbers or other data objects in a computer program. (b) A discrete atomic mental operation that transforms one knowledge state, or state of working memory, into another. See also Problem Behaviour Graph.
A mathematical operation such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/ and \), greater than (), less than (), not equal (), and modulo (MOD).
The part of an expression that causes a mathematical operation to occur, such as addition or multiplication, or tests a condition such as equality.
A symbol that tells the computer to perform a mathematical, logical or relational operation on the specified variables, constants or array elements in the expression. The mathematical operators are +, -, *, / and ^. The relational operators are , =, , =, = and . The logical operators are AND, OR, NOT, and XOR.
A special word or symbol typed between the words in search criteria. Operators are used to modify the way the search engine treats those words. For example, there are operators to match special patterns, look for word variants, and so on. For a complete description of the operators available, see Search Syntax.
An operator is a function symbol used for an operation on one or more operands. For example, in the formula “3 + 5”, both 3 and 5 are operands, while “+” is the operator.
In mathematics and in programming and computer applications, a symbol or other character indicating an operation that acts on one or more elements. You can use the following four operators in standard calculations: / divide * multiply - subtract + add For Indexing Service, a word or character that specifies a relationship in a query.