A device frequently incorrectly referred to as a reservoir which “regulate” Wind to the specific pressure required by the pipes on the chest it feeds.
This device, which is placed on the air line feeding into the air tool, regulates the air pressure going into the tool. The regulator is the "R" in the abbreviations FRL.
In scuba diving, the device used to regulate the amount of air coming from an air tank.
A device for controlling the quantity of sewage and storm water admitted from a combined sewer collector line into an interceptor, pump station or treatment facility, thereby determining the amount and quality of the flow discharged through an overflow device to receiving waters or other points of disposal.
a device installed in combined systems to control the amount of flow into the sewer system during periods of wet weather. Excess flows are routed to an outfall.
A device for controlling the voltage of an electrical circuit.
A structure that controls the flow of wastewater from two or more input pipes (trunk lines) to a single output (usually a larger interceptor line). Regulators can be used to restrict or halt flow, thus causing wastewater to be stored in the conveyance system until it can be handled by the treatment plant.
A device to adjust incoming power so as to avoid overcharging a battery bank. In solar power, the regulator generally just turns the solar array off when the batteries are full. With a wind generator, the regulator generally diverts all or part of the incoming power to a Dump Load when the batteries fill, thus keeping a Load on the wind generator so it will not Freewheel.
Provides constant air pressure for use by air tools
any of various controls or devices for regulating or controlling fluid flow, pressure, temperature, etc.
a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel)
a circuit that generates, from the reference voltage, a power supply voltage having a small impedance
a device that reduces the pressure such that the air is delivered to you at a normal breathing rate
a device which connects into the supply line between the source (the storage device) and the destination (the gas burning device)
a device which, through use of a transformer, corrects the voltage deviation by stepping it up or down so that it is as close as possible to the nominal level
a devise that regulates the pressure of the air entering a paintball gun it accomplishes
a flow control device that robs pressure energy from the gas
Helps to keep a constant gas pressure for your gun to shoot with, helps prevent hot guns.
A component of a power supply that controls output voltage. Also acts as a stabilizer to maintain output voltage at a present level.
Any of various mechanisms or devices such as a governor valve, for controlling fluid flow, pressure, temperature, etc.
Pressure compensating flow regulators maintain a constant flow rate regardless of variations in line pressure. Precise flow control improves system performance and in the case of plumbing systems provides comfort of use at low pressure as well as water and energy saving at high pressure.
An adjustable device for maintaining pressure at the preset valve.
A manually or power-operated device which rolls a vehicle's window up and down.
Prevents overcharging of batteries by controlling charge cycle-usually adjustable to conform to specific battery needs.
Cutout relay and Voltage/Current relay in a single case. Rarely, some tractor models had 3 relays in the case; the Cutout relay, a separate Voltage relay, and separate Current relay. On earlier machines, the cases containing only a cutout relay were not called Regulators since they did not regulate generator output.
In reference to SCUBA diving equipment, a device which allows compressed air to flow from the tanks to the mouth of a diver. Also refers to an organism that can maintain constant some aspect of its physiology (e.g., body temperature) constant despite different and changing properties of the external environment.
The statutory body that regulates the electricity industry in Singapore. The Energy Market Authority is the regulator.
Instrument to control voltage and current in vehicle electrical system.
A device that controls high pressure input gases and gives constant output pressure gases. Regulators allow precise adjustment for the velocity control of the gun as well as precise gas efficiency. When you combine a regulator with a high quality marker you get a high performance and consistent performing gun, like the Desert FOX. Semi-automatic Refers to paintball guns that can shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger.
The section in a basic power supply that maintains the output of the power supply at a constant level in spite of large changes in load current or input line voltage. [ Regulator Manufacturers
An automatic or manual device designed to control pressure, flow or temperature. ( 099)
A device for controlling and maintaining a uniform outlet of gas pressure. Usually part of a combination gas valve.
Component of 'gun used to regulate or control gas flow/pressure to the Pneumatic Ram. Most are adjustable.
In scuba, any device which changes air pressure from one level to a lower level. See first and second stage regulator
The power supply circuit that controls or stabilizes the output parameter at a specified value. Related Terms: Remote Sensing | X Capacitors | Y Capacitors | Post Regulation | Pre-regulation
Device or circuit that maintains a desired output under changing conditions.
OFGEM is the Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets, regulating the gas and electricity industries in the UK. You can get further information about gas and electricity from Energywatch, the gas and electricity consumer organisation. This is a statutory body representing the interests of gas and electricity consumers in the UK.
A device used to lower the pressure of a source to the desired pressure. Paintball markers typically have a 200-850psi operating pressure. Also see HPR and LPR.
An electronic device which maintains a constant voltage or current output.
A device for maintaining a constant gas outlet pressure at a level recommended for an appliance.
A device sometimes incorporated into a radiosonde flight-train to store and pay out gradually the length of line between the parachute and the radiosonde.
A device that provides control of the operating pressure of the compressed air system. Regulators allow working pressure of the system to be adjusted from the minimum to the maximum at the prop.
A device (such as a Zener diode) or circuitry in a power supply for maintaining a constant output voltage over a range of load currents and input voltages.
A type of transformer which maintains constant voltage on main distribution lines (feeders) as customer demand for electricity changes. Installed in substations and on poles.
Air pressure to devices on the system is controlled by pressure regulators.
A device which regulates and controls the flow of gas.
A structure used to control the flow of water, for example, diverting water away from the main channel down an effluent creek.
A device that maintains the amperage and/or voltage levels of a circuit at predetermined values.
Usually it is a part of the combination valve. It reduces the pressure to the appropriate level for the type of gas used in the appliance.
LP gas regulators control or regulate the LP gas flow through all appliances, and maintain the proper operating pressure in the LP gas system.
Device (wall, door) used to control the volume of air in an air split.
An electronic circuit that maintains an essentially constant output voltage with a changing input voltage or load.
A mechanism used to control voltage.
The regulator is a device that regulates the fuel pressure of LPG or CNG to the mixer, an LPG regulator usually also contains a vaporizer for converting the liquid propane to gas.
In automatic control, a regulator is a device which has the function of maintaining a designated characteristic. It performs the activity of managing or maintaining a range of values, in a machine. The measurable property of a device is managed closely by specified conditions or an advance set value; or it can be a variable according to a predetermined arrangement scheme.