See Options Clearing Corporation.
Options Clearing Corporation. Founded in 1973, the OCC is the world's largest equity derivatives clearing organization. OCC clears transactions for put and call options on common stocks and other equity issues, stock indexes, foreign currencies, interest rate composites, and single-stock futures. The OCC also offers clearing and settlement services for transactions in futures and options on futures. Operating under the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, OCC is jointly owned by the American Stock Exchange, Chicago Board Options Exchange, International Securities Exchange, Pacific Exchange, and Philadelphia Stock Exchange.
Options Clearing Corporation. Options contract Options contract multiple
Options Clearing Corporation. The issuer of all listed option contracts that are trading on the national option exchanges.
Options Clearing Corporation. The OCC makes possible secondary markets in options, while not guaranteeing the liquidity or availability of those markets. Exchange closures or periods of severe illiquidity could prevent the timely liquidation of an option position.
OPTIONS CLEARING CORPORATION. The OCC is the organization through which the various options exchanges clear their trades. It supervises the listing of options and guarantees performance on option contracts.
A clearing corporation owned jointly by the exchanges dealing in listed options. OCC is the central or main clearing corporation for listed options. Options traded on any SEC-regulated exchange can be settled through OCC.
Options Clearing Corporation. The issuer and guarantor of all listed options contacts trading on national secu...
Options Clearing Corporation. The central counterparty for all U.S. options exchanges. Web address:
An acronym for the Options Clearing Corporation.
OPTIONS CLEARING CORPORATION. A Corporation owned jointly by all the exchanges trading listed options. Based on compared trades submitted by various exchanges, the OCC issues the option to the buyer and holds the writer to his obligation. OCC is therefore the issuer of all listed options and a holder must exercise against the OCC, not the original writer. The OCC maintains a system for collecting and remitting funds in settlement of option trades, and holds collateral deposited by option writers to guarantee their performance.
Options Clearing Corporation. is an organization that keeps records for every outstanding options contract. When someone exercises an option, the OCC verifies the person has the right to exercise it. It then randomly assigns an exercise notice to one of the accounts that is currently short the option.
Abbreviation for Options Clearing Corporation.
Organization equally owned by the exchanges through which the various options exchanges clear their trades. Some of OCC's responsibilities are supervising the listing of options, issuing and guaranteeing option transactions, processing the money transactions, and the assignment of option exercises to writers. The OCC also issues an options prospectus that outlines the rules and risks of trading options. See: Assignment; Exercise; Options; Option Agreement; Option Writer; Risk