A CHECK which cannot be parried by moving the King to a safe square, blocking the attack or capturing the checking piece. Checkmate ends the game: the player who is checkmated has lost. MATE has the same meaning as checkmate and is frequently used in its place.
To "check" your opponent's king with no way for him to get out. "Checkmate" ends the game.
a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king
place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game; "Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves"
A position where the King is in check, cannot move out of check, and the player in check cannot either block the checking piece or capture the checking piece or pawn. This is the primary objective of a chess game. Category: Glossary 1 visitor(s) thought this was helpful. Do you
When a player's King is in check and the player has no legal move to get the King out of check. (See also check.)
Threatening the capture of the enemy king such that it cannot escape. This wins the game for the attacking side.
If the king is in check and there is no legal move that can get him out of check (see check) he is checkmated and the game is lost.
An attack on the King where there is no way for your opponent to finish his turn and not longer have the King attacked.
When a King cannot avoid capture.
A position in which a player's king is in check and the player has no legal move (i.e cannot move out of check). A player whose king is checkmated loses the game.
CHEM: Checkmate is a check to which the attacked King is unable to escape from it. Then this is the end of the game. The attacking player is declared the winner and the opponent (that whose the King has been put in checkmate) lost the game. The result is usually noted 1-0 if White wins the game and 0-1 if Black wins it. Obviously generally the player having a losing play prefers to give up before being surprised by an humiliating checkmate! (Chess Terminology).
Ending where a King is attacked by an opposing piece and cannot escape.
Checkmate (frequently shortened to mate) is a situation in chess (and in other boardgames of the chaturanga family) in which one player's king is under attack and there is no way to meet that threat; it is a check from which there is no escape. The king is never actually captured — the game ends as soon as the king is checkmated. A player who is checkmated loses the game.
Checkmate is the ninth episode of the television series The Prisoner. The show starts off with a game of chess using people in the courtyard. One of the rebellious rooks is taken to the hospital for "evaluation".