An authentic handbag or fashion accessory is the original, designed and manufactured by the designer name on the name tag. Many of the high fashion designers will include authenticity cards with the handbag, or will have a serial number located on the inside of the handbag. In recent years, some designer handbags have a small hologram attached to the interior to mark it as an authentic design. Imitations of handbags and other accessories are copied and made to look almost like the original, and can even have the designers name on them. These imitations are called "fakes", "knockoffs", or "replicas". They are not made with the same quality craftsmanship and materials as the authentic, and are often manufactured in 3rd world countries using cheap factory labor. It should be noted that the manufacture and sale of knockoff handbags is a violation of copyright law. Also see - SERIAL NUMBER -- HOLOGRAM
a piece made to deceive: it is usually a copy of an antique and then distressed to simulate age
A genuine stamp which has has any altering to its colour, perforation, postmark, etc. to enhance its value in order to defraud.
Performing a movement without completion to fool the opponent (e.g. faking a pass or a shot).
something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be
make a copy of with the intent to deceive; "he faked the signature"; "they counterfeited dollar bills"; "She forged a Green Card"
a counterfeit coin made of the wrong metal (a metal that is less valuable than the metal the coin is supposed to be made out of)
a counterfeit, generally a cast copy of a genuine original
a deceptive move used to get past an opponent
a replica made with the intent to deceive
a strike meant to deceive an opponent
A genuine stamp that has been altered in some way to make it more attractive to collectors. It may be repaired, reperfed or regummed to resemble a more valuable variety.
An object or piece of apparatus that appears to be genuine but isn't. Sometimes spelled Feke.
A technique used to throw an opponent of balance or out a position usually pretending to move one way and actually gong another.
An offensive player uses any part of the body, including the eyes, to deceive a defender. Pretending to shoot is called a pump fake.
A magic prop that's visible to the audience but is not what it appears to be (because it's gimmicked in some way). A Digitip is a good example of a fake. (Book 4)
A genuine stamp doctored in some way to deceive collectors.
A genuine object altered in some way, not necessarily to deceive. See also forgery.
an object which is made to look real or valuable in order to deceive people.
A genuine object that has been altered or "improved" for the purpose of enhancing its value (not to be confused with a forgery).
Any non genuine coin made in imitation of the real thing, usually with the intention to deceive. The term fake does not apply to pattern or replica coins.
A forgery of an authentic antique or collectable. Selling a fake as being an original is fraud.
A piece made purposefully to deceive prospective buyers.
A stamp, cover or cancel that has been altered or concocted to appeal to a collector. In a broad sense, fakes include repairs, reperforations and regummed stamps, as well as painted-in cancels, bogus cancels or counterfeit markings. Sometimes entire covers are faked.
A movement made with the aim of deceiving an opponent. This can be done with either a pass or a shot fake.
a move made by a player for the purpose of deceiving an opponent
A gimmick. Often spelled feke.
Any body movement to deceive an opponent.
Using a deceptive move with the ball to pull the defensive player out of position.
A counterfeit or altered coin.