Of or relating to the first class or rank, especially in literature or art.
Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks and Romans, esp. to Greek or Roman authors of the highest rank, or of the period when their best literature was produced; of or pertaining to places inhabited by the ancient Greeks and Romans, or rendered famous by their deeds.
Conforming to the best authority in literature and art; chaste; pure; refined; as, a classical style.
One learned in the literature of Greece and Rome, or a student of classical literature.
a work of literature, which has been read and enjoyed by at least three generations and has withstood the test of time
Referring to the arts and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome. The term is also used to describe an demonstrated standard of excellence.
The word means 'of the first class' and was first applied to the civilisation of anceint Greece and Rome. It then came to include renaissance art and is now used for anything of good quality 'eg a classic left jab'.
Design inspiration derived from the ancient styles of Greece, Rome and Egypt called Classic or Classic Antiquity.
Of or relating to the ancient Greek, Roman, and (to a lesser extent) Egyptian world and especially to its literature, art, architecture, or ideals. In design, particularly refers to the period roughly 200 BC-AD 200.