Definitions for "Greece"
Keywords:  hercegovina, bosnia
Bosnia & Hercegovina 18
Bosnia & Hercegovina 12
a republic in southeastern Europe on the southern part of the Balkan peninsula; known for grapes and olives and olive oil
Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce National Statistical Service of Greece
The Hellenic Speleological Federation is the only secondary national organisation in Greece and has many caving clubs as members. There are a number of independent clubs outside the Federation.
Keywords:  grd, drachma
function loadMenuHeights72(o){ var menus = new Array(); var maxbottom = 0; var height; var menuid; for (var i = 0; i menus.length; i++) { //height = getInt(getObject(menus[i]).style.height); height = getObject(menus[i]).offsetHeight; if (height maxbottom) { maxbottom = height; menuid = menus[i]; } } o.maxbottommenuid = menuid; o.maxbottom = maxbottom; return menuid + "," + maxbottom;
Greek e-government portal. Site in Greek.
Greek Tax Concepts is another in the series of publications from the University of Missouri; they're particularly aimed at foreign investors
The strong Greek red wines are produced from grape varieties such as the "Mavrodaphne", the "Xinomavro" or even the "Liatiko".
Keywords:  secam, pal
Keywords:  vodafone, website
Vodafone Greece Website
Keywords:  advices, tips
Tips and Advices
A middle-ranking producer and exporter of cotton. Production is subsidised by the European Union.
A2 Default probability is still weak even in the case when one country's political and economic environment or the payment record of companies is not as good as in A1-rated countries.
Keywords:  step, see
See Gree a step.
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