a queen of Egypt; b. 69 b. c., d. 30 b. c.
The last Pharaoh of Egypt.
Personal name of seven queens in the Ptolemaic (Greek) period of Egypt (332–30 B.C.); the most famous was Cleopatra VII, the last Ptolemaic ruler and lover of Mark Antony, who lost Egypt to the Roman armies of Octavian in 30 B.C.
beautiful and charismatic queen of Egypt; mistress of Julius Caesar and later of Mark Antony; killed herself to avoid capture by Octavian (69-30 BC)
Ruler of Ptolemaic Egypt from 51 to 30 B.C. Of Macedonian (Greek) descent, Cleopatra reigned for 21 years, until the fall of Egypt to Rome in 30 B.C. She was the lover of both the Roman general Mark Antony and the Roman dictator Julius Caesar (with whom she had a child).
Cleopatra "Cleo" Smith is a fictional animated character from Clone High, voiced by Christa Miller. Cleo is a clone-parody of Cleopatra. Due to her biological counterpart's status as queen, her character sees herself as a social goddess, regularly displaying vanity, egocentrism, manipulation of others and strong narcissism; she is also shown as seductive, promiscuous and libidinous, which helps support her former traits.
The 1917 Cleopatra was directed by J. Gordon Edwards and starred Theda Bara in the title role. Fritz Leiber Sr. played Julius Caesar and Thurston Hall played Marc Antony.
Cleopatra is Cecil B. De Mille's 1934 film retelling the story of Cleopatra VII of Egypt.
Cleopatra is a fictional character from the HBO/BBC original television series Rome, played by Lyndsey Marshal. The basis for this character is the famous historical Egyptian Queen of the same name.