A knockout poker competition starting with a certain number of poker players, continuing until one poker player has all of the chips. Once a poker player loses their chips, they are eliminated from the competition unless it is a rebuy tournament in which they have the option to purchase more chips within a specified time period.
A competition or championship game where a number of players or competitors compete for 1st place.
A series of keno games organized by the casino into a contest between players.
an organized competitive event; usually, a duplicate bridge event.
A generic term for mock combat held between teams of contestants either mounted or on foot. Introduced as a useful form of practice for real combat, as well as for entertainment, becoming a formal event during the twelfth century.
Unlike a match, more than two players are involved.
A competition where bowlers compete in a single or series of events against all others in their division. TRACK 1) The worn or most used part of a lane. 2) The part of the ball that contacts the lane surface when rolling.
(g_gametype 1) This is a mode of game play characterized by a one on one match with other players watching as spectators while waiting their turns. The winner of the match plays the next opponent.
A series of poker events that takes place in a casino / cardroom / TV set.
A chess competition in which players or teams play against each other to determine a winner. A number of TOURNAMENTS at the same time in the same place is a CONGRESS. Tournaments may be open only to players below a certain age or GRADE, only to girls or women and so on. Individual tournaments are usually scored by giving the winner of a game one point and the loser no points. A draw scores half a point each.
An armed combat competition. SCA fighters fight in full armor with wooden (rattan) weapons. The fighting is real, men and women participate on an equal level and all have to pass an authorization test to prove they can do so safely before competing in a tournament.
(aka: "tourney", "open") an organized golf competition. Example: "She played in her first tournament last Saturday."
A poker competition involving many tables where normally participants pay an entry fee and play with a fixed number or chips. Once the tournament has started additional players may not enter. Players are eliminated until only one winner remains.
A prearranged competition for both amateurs and professionals.
A Poker game where Players compete for each other's chips as the blinds or antes increase incrementally. The winner is the Player that has all the chips.
bridge competition where all the players play the same hands.
a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner
a series of jousts between knights contesting for a prize
a betting event in which the public determines what the point spread will be on many games
a catch, photo and release event, with the target fish being snook, redfish and speckled trout
a coast-to-coast competition and celebration of our ingrained athletic prowess and dogged determination
a competition in which a series of games is played and the winners play against one another until only one winner is left
a contest in which all players begin with an equal amount of chips and continue to play until one player remains and wins all the chips
a couple days away and those not currently in a bracket, or those who just need more to play can participate in some free brackets sponsored by ESPN, CBSSportsline, Yahoo, and Sportsbetting
a field of ritual single combat
a game like RomanArena by itself
a golden opportunity for poker rooms to make some profits - or recover some of their investments - from live action
a good example of how the Knights have historically played well against good non-conference competition
an all-day event in which four or five matches are played in a 'round robin' fashion between the participating teams
an event in and of itself
an event that is best served with several touch points to supplement the televised coverage
an organized competition in which many participants play each other in individual games
an organized event where players compete against other players to win prizes
a passion play about emotion and drama and resurrection and redemption
a perfect fantasy game for serious players, casual players and novices
a poker game in which each
a poker game that goes on until one player has won all the chips in the game
a prime time to make money since the betting public will be playing these games heavily and the books have to compensate for their action
a sprint, and that's the contest everyone wants to see
a star maker, especially in the women's game, which receives a lot less national exposure during the regular season
a very different event today than it was when Wooden first began competing in NCAA play
a wonderful event but it is not a referendum on which conferences play the best basketball
In a poker tournament all players start with the same amount in chips. The winner is the one player left with all the chips. Tournaments are run differently from card room to card room. There is a predetermined payout schedule for the winner or players that finish in the tournament. How this breaks down depends on the number of players that entered.
is a set of races in which players compete against each other.
As opposed to cash games. A tournament can have any number of entrants, and any number of buy-in, but once started, you're there until you've either been knocked out or won.
a tournament is a competition in which players compete against each other to win a prize and it normally has an entry fee.
An event where a group of players sit down with the same number of chips and continue play until only one player has all of the chips. In tournaments, there is a buy-in for each player and all of the money is added up and divided into a prize pool. Usually nine players get paid for every 100 entries.
a poker game where the rules are that play continues until one person has all the chips.
An organized competition for both amateurs and professionals. Professional tournaments are played often in four rounds with the first two as qualifiers for the latter two.
Enjoyable and inexpensive form of Texas Holdem play. In a Poker Tournament all players buy-in for a set sum and the winner of the tournament is the one who at the end of the game ends up with all of the chips. The distribution of Prize money is agreed at the outset of the tournament. Also referred to as a Poker Tourney.
A competition whereby entrants play until one player has all of the chips. Each player begins with the same number of chips, but once these are lost they are out of the tournament, unless it is a re-buy tournament in which they have the option to purchase more chips within a specified time period. The blinds increase at regular intervals to ensure the game does not last too long.
A competition for players to determine who is the best player.
In a poker tournament, each player sits down with the same number of chips, and eventually only one player has any chips left. That is the basic idea behind a tournament. Each card room runs tournaments differently. Tournaments are usually played with chips that have no value outside of the tournament. So a buy-in of $30 might get you $500 in tournament chips to play with, but you can't cash them out in the middle. The winner of a tournament (the last player to bust out) as well as several of the other top finishers are typically awarded prize money according to some predetermined schedule.
Basically, a competition game between a group of players over a period of time.
A poker competition, normally with an entry fee and prizes.
A contest among more than two Chess players.
A stroke or match play competition. A competition in which a number of golfers compete.
any event of skill involving a number of competitors and a series of games
Each Poker room plays tournaments differently but the main principle is that each player will be designated a certain amount of chips. The tournament will keep playing until only one player has chips left on the table.
Competition play, the player with the most chips at the end is the winner
A martial sport or contest in which mounted combatants fought for a prize.
A generic term for competitive POP events.
The general idea behind poker tournaments is that a bunch of poker players sit down with the same number of chips, and eventually only one player has any chips left. In order to ensure that the event will finish in reasonable time, tournaments institute a schedule by which the blinds and/or antes increase. Tournaments are usually played with chips that have no value outside of the tournament. So a buy-in of $30 might get you $500 in tournament chips to play with, but you can't cash them out in the middle. The winner of a tournament (the last player to bust out) as well as several of the other top finishers are typically awarded prize money according to some predetermined schedule.Tournament details vary widely, but a typical arrangement might include an initial buy-in, a re-buy period during which a player who runs out of tournament chips may buy more, and an opportunity to add on to one's stack after the re-buys have ended. Other details about the structure can vary widely.
A competition / championship where a number of competitors all aim to take first place.
an organised competition between more than two cricket sides, playing either one-day cricket or non-Test first class cricket.
A formal competition among players, often with a Buy-In, where the players start with the same number of chips.
A competition among players for a set duration of time, often with widely varying rules.
A competition involving a number of golfers, which may be match play or stroke play. Most professional tournaments are at stroke play over four rounds, or 72 holes. In a match-play tournament, players are paired for matches, with a winner advancing to the next round, until only two golfers remain to play a final match for the championship.
A tournament is a competition involving a relatively large number of competitors, all participating in a single sport or game.
Tournament is a solitaire card game which uses two decks of playing cards shuffled together. Despite the name, the game play doesn't seem to be related to the word tournament.