A ball game, usually played indoors in an area called the basketball court, in which two opposing teams of five players each contest with each other to toss a large inflated ball (the basketball) into opposite goals (baskets) resembling baskets, each typically a cylindrical mesh suspended from a circular rim which is held ten feet above the court. A goal scored by passing the basketball through the basket may count from one to three points, depending on the situation in which it was thrown.
The inflatable ball used in the game of basketball.
A game that uses a round orange ball and circular nets mounted underneath hoops; compare to volleyball. Typically played outside in nice weather, or in overheated gymnasiums in the winter. Players typically wear tank tops, shorts, and sneakers. For Baby Boomer basketball before 1970, the players invariably wore Chucks, as in the example to the left. My old school buddy Randy demonstrates how the Baby Boomers played basketball; usually, but not always, in high-tops. They also wore real shorts back then, not a male version of bloomers like Michael Jordan wore. Serious market competition, first from adidas and then Puma Clydes, came along in the late 1960's and early 1970's.
a game played on a court by two opposing teams of 5 players; points are scored by throwing the basketball through an elevated horizontal hoop
an inflated ball used in playing basketball
a fantastic way to make a buck or two of your own, while enjoying the frenzy of college hoops
a game that has helped turn sports betting losers into happy sports bettors with larger bankrolls
a great game but lacks some of the things that
a great-looking game, with a solid gameplay foundation down deep
a huge business and not just a sport anymore
a little more popular over here since we have Dirk Nowitzki I should order some channel that shows american sports
a little more popular over here since we have Dirk Nowitzki Used to watch a German sports channel while I was at university, but for some strange reason the only thing I can remember watching was some random ten-pin bowling championship
a more fun and entertaining game
a must for any sports memorabilia enthusiast
a necessary part of every sports collection
a physical game, but the playoffs can make the regular season look like a friendly game of Horse
a sport thats needs skill and brains
a two - player contest featuring three - on - three hoops action
Simulation of a basketball game, or variant.
Basketball is a sport in which two teams of five players each try to score points on one another by throwing a ball through a hoop (the basket) under organized rules.
Basketball is an Atari 2600 game based on the sport of the same name. The game features a simple game of one-on-one basketball, playable by one or two players.
A basketball is an inflated spherical ball used in the game of Basketball. Basketballs typically range in size from very small promotional items possibly only a few inches in diameter to extra large balls nearly a foot in diameter used in training exercises to increase the skill of players.http://www.jumpusa.com/big_basketball.html Nearly all basketballs have an inflatable inner rubber bladder, generally wrapped in layers of fiber and then covered with a tacky surface made either from leather (traditional), rubber, or a synthetic composite. As in most inflatable balls, there is a small opening to allow the pressure to be increased or decreased.