What ways (how) will you choose to accomplish your goals? (How will we go about "Taking the Hill?")
A strategy is a series of planned and sequenced tasks, which together allow for achievement of the critical success factor. Strategies must be clearly stated, observable and measurable.
The principles that show how an organisation's major objectives or goals are to b achieved over a defined time period. Usually confined only to the general logic for achieving the objectives.
Describes in general terms those actions or activities that will be expedited to achieve the fiscal year objectives.
a set of thinking and behavioral steps to achieve a result.
A commitment to and definition of how the organization will accomplish the objectives.
Strategies describe the particular interventions or activities that are implemented to achieve a program's objectives and goal. Strategies should be designed to relate back to objectives. One objective may have a range of strategies. For example: capacity building community development economic, regulatory and policy initiatives health education health information screening and individual risk assessment social marketing Best practice recognises that a health promotion program with a range of strategies covering the five broad action areas of the Ottawa Charter will have greater impact than a program using a single strategy. For more information: Health promotion strategies
Strategies are the means by which objectives can be achieved. They are often broken down into discrete tasks or small steps.
are techniques used to help students achieve their literacy goals: to make meaning from text or to write clearly and coherently. Strategies are not the same as activities. *See examples of selected strategies later in this appendix.
Based on goals and objectives, a strategy is the means for transforming inputs into outputs, and ultimately outcomes, with the best use of resources. A strategy reflects the planned use of budgetary and other resources.
are the things you will do to achieve your objective, perhaps broken down further into tasks or activities.
Tell how to achieve the goal.
The specific methods, processes, or steps used to accomplish goals and objectives. Strategies impact resources (inputs) in some positive or negative way. They are executed in a tactical manner so as to link goals and objectives to day-to-day operations
Key actions/initiatives to be taken to achieve the organization's goals.
A systematic plan of action to reach predefined goals Coherent collection of activities that have a reasonable chance of improving results or outcomes, based on a set of assumptions drawn from experience and evidence EHR/NSF Evaluation Handbook, Chapter Seven: GlossarySource web site
The methods that the organization will use to deliver services and implement activities in order to achieve its goals.