UK's central bank that is responsible for setting interest rates via the (MPC) Monetary Policy Committee.
The central bank of the United Kingdom. The bank was established privately in 1694 and was nationalised by the British Parliament in 1946.
UK's central bank responsible for the regulation of the banking industry, issuing of money and more recently the control of inflation, with the formation of the Monetary Policy Committee under the new Labour government.
the central bank of England and Wales
The guys who hold all the money! Itâ€(tm)s the central bank of the UK. It sets interest rates to keep inflation low, issues our banknotes and works to maintain a stable financial and monetary system.
Has responsibility for regulating the banking industry in the United Kingdom. The Labour Government that came to power in 1997 broadened the role of the organisation so that it is also now responsible for setting interest rates.
The interest rate to achieve the treasury’s inflation target will be set by the Bank of England. Bank of England sets the base rate.
Set up in 1694, the "Old Lady of Threadneedle Street" has responsibility for regulating the banking industry and since 1997 has set interest rates to help the government meet its inflation targets. The stock market, a notoriously short-term beast, hangs on the Bank's interest rate pronouncements.
The UK's central bank, originally founded in 1694 by a group of private bankers to raise money for the crown. In 1997, the chancellor, Gordon Brown, gave the Bank independent power to set interest rates. The Treasury sets the inflation target and the Bank's monetary policy committee sets interest rates to achieve those aims.
The central bank of the United Kingdom, similar to the Federal reserve in the United States and the Bundesbank in Germany. Its main functions are: to ensure the stability and promote the efficiency (More)
The UK's central bank which undertakes policy decided by the Treasury and determines interest rates.
The Bank of England is the central bank of the UK and is not a commercial bank. It prints all English bank notes, manages the government's stock register, publishes money and banking data, and provides settlement facilities for the payment systems.
The UK's central bank. BoE plays a key role in the fight to keep inflation under control as it has been given independence from the Government.
The central bank of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
The UK’s central bank with responsibility for the setting of interest rates. It is also the lender of last resort to prevent a systemic collapse in the banking system.
The Governor and Company of the Bank of England is the central bank of the United Kingdom, and as such it convenes the Monetary Policy Committee, which is responsible for the monetary policy of the country. It was established in 1694 to act as the English Government's banker, a role which it still fulfils today. The Bank's building is located in the City of London, on Threadneedle Street, and hence it is sometimes known as The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street or The Old Lady.