An international financial organization established in 1959 aimed at improving economic and social conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean, primarily by providing funds for public projects. Français: Banque Inter-Américaine de Développement Español: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)
development bank for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Promotes economic and social projects in developing countries by financial, via loans, and technical assistance. Set up in 1959.
( IADB) A financial institution responsible for the financing of social and economic development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
A regional development bank designed to promote sustainable economic development in the Western Hemisphere. Its headquarters are located in Washington, D.C.
An international financial institution created in 1959 to help accelerate the economic and social development of its member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Bank is owned by 46 member countries, including 28 regional members from the Western Hemisphere and 18 non-regional members from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The Bank's headquarters are in Washington, DC.
The Inter-American Development Bank (preferred abbreviation IDB, although sometimes found as IADB), was established and headquartered in Washington, DC in 1959 to support Latin American and Caribbean economic/social development and regional integration by lending mainly to governments and government agencies (including State corporations).