A multilateral institution based in Manila, Philippines, that provides financing for development needs in countries of the Asia-Pacific region. As of July 2000, ADB had 58 member countries.
A multilateral development finance institution dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. Established in 1966, the bank is owned by 63 member-countries, the majority from the region.
1 of 4 major regional develoment banks currently operating in the global economy; it is headquartered in Manila, Philippines.
An international financial institution owned by 52 member governments; 19 industrialized nations in Europe, North America, Asia and the Pacific, and 33 developing nations. It was created in 1966 to accelerate economic development in the developing countries for Asia and is headquartered in Manila.
The ADB helps finance economic development in developing countries in the Asian and Pacific area through the provision of loans on near-market terms, with its Ordinary Capital Resources (OCR), and on concessional terms, through the Asian Development Fund (ADF). The ADB was established in 1965 (began operating in December 1966); headquarters are in Manila, Philippines.
Established in 1966 to foster economic growth and co-operation in Asia and to help accelerate the economic development of members. The ADB headquarters are in the Philippines. Français: Banque Asiatique de développement Español: Banco Asiático de Desarrollo
Development Bank with 64 (2005) member countries from within and outside the Asia Pacific region. Size approx $50bn
A regional development bank supported by a group of Asian nations
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a regional development bank established in 1966 to promote economic and social development in Asian and Pacific countries through loans and technical assistance.It is a multilateral development financial institution owned by 66 members, 47 from the region and 19 from other parts of the globe. ADB's vision is a region free of poverty. Its mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their citizens.