International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or World Bank makes loans at nearly conventional terms to countries for projects of high economic priority.
A multi-government owned bank, set up in 1945 as part of the World Bank group. It aims to promote projects in developing countries, primarily in infrastructure and agriculture, through the extension of low interest rate loans and guarantees on private loans. Français: Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le Développement (BIRD) Español: Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento (BIRF)
( IBRD) Otherwise known as the World Bank. The World Bank provides loans and development assistance to middle-income and lower-income countries with a stated aim of reducing poverty. Loans generally have a five-year grace period and must be repaid over a period of 15-20 years. The Bank obtains most of its funds through the sale of bonds in international capital markets and whilst not a profit maximizing organisation, has earned net income every year since 1948.
a United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed by member governments
Also called the World Bank, an international organization created at Breton Woods in 1944 to help in the reconstruction and development of its member nations.
Part of the World Bank Group, IBRD aims to reduce poverty in middle-income and creditworthy poorer countries by promoting sustainable development, through loans, guarantees, and non-lending-including analytical and advisory-services.
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) ICSID was created in 1966 to help facilitate the settlement of investment disputes between governments and foreign investors. When the advanced consent of both investor and country has been given in either the awarding of a contract of a Bilateral Investment Treaty, ICSID arbitrates on investment disputes between a company and country. Once a party has consented to resolve a dispute through ICSID they are bound to carry out their undertaking and, in the case of arbitration, to abide by the award.
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) International Banking Facility (IBF)
(IBRD)-The largest provider of market based loans to middle income companies awarded by the World Bank.
IBRD An organization that provides loans for economic development to member countries when private funds are unavailable. It was founded at the economic conference held at Bretton Woods in 1944 and began operations in 1946. Also called the World Bank. The World Bank works closely with International Monetary Fund (IMF) and has 149 member countries. The World Bank finances its operation through member subscriptions, sale of its securities, and net earnings.
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) is one of five institutions that comprise the World Bank Group. The IBRD is an international organization whose original mission was to finance the reconstruction of nations devastated by WWII. Now, its mission has expanded to fight poverty by means of financing states.