Definitions for "OAS"
Keywords:  oas, canadians, old, senior, pension
OAS is an application server for building online, cross-platform, multiplayer/user game applications and provides developers with a framework for handling client/server communication, handling and executing application logic, and multiple client types.
See Organization of American States (OAS)
Old Age Security. The basic federal income security program for seniors who are age 65 and older.
The Organization of American States an international association of countries in the Western hemisphere. It was created in 1948 to promote military and economic and social and cultural cooperation.
Organization of American States, created in 1948; headquarters in Washington.
Organization of American States - a body with representation from all countries in the Americas. It is now charged with 27 non-trade issues in the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) such as poverty, drug control, and democracy.
Organisatie van Amerikaanse Staten
Office of Adult Services - US Dept. of Labor, Employment & Training Administration
See Office Automation Systems
office automation system. a computer-based information system that collects, processes, stores and transmits electronic messages, documents and other forms of office communications among individuals, work groups and organizations; an office productivity application such as word processing, document imaging or calendar
See Oracle Application Server.
Oracle Application Server. The Oracle server that integrates all the core services and features required for building, deploying, and managing high-performance, n-tier, transaction-oriented Web applications within an open standards framework.
Keywords:  scope, alignment, optical
Optical Alignment Scope
Oath of Inspectors Objective probability
Keywords:  overall, schedule, activity
Overall Activity Schedule
Keywords:  offensive, support, air
Offensive Air Support
Keywords:  spread, option, adjusted
Option-adjusted spread.
Keywords:  size, one
One Any Size