Those records created by several or all Federal agencies in performing common facilitative functions that support the agency's mission activities, but do not directly document the performance of mission functions. Administrative records relate to activities such as budget and finance, human resources, equipment and supplies, facilities, public and congressional relations, and contracting. See also PROGRAM RECORDS, RECORDS.
(ARCS) – records common to all offices and that are distinct from operational records (ORCS). Administrative records support housekeeping functions such as the management of facilities, property, materiel, finances, personnel, and information systems. Administrative records also relate to common management processes, including committees, agreements, contracts, information services, legal opinions, and other similar functions. 12.3.2 and 18.3.5
Records relating to budget, personnel, supply, and similar housekeeping, or facilitative, functions common to most agencies, in contrast to program records.
Administrative records are created in support of administrative functions within an institution. Administrative functions are primarily concerned with the process that permits operational functions to be carried out, e.g. preparation of Main Estimates, authorization & control of expenditures, staffing of positions, etc. Administrative records are created as a result of these processes and document the interaction that occurs between operational and administrative areas for a particular process.
Records that relate to the administration of finance, personnel, equipment and other facilitative operations.
Support the everyday office functions of a program or area. They deal primarily with space, equipment & personnel requirements. May be copies of original records maintained by other areas (i.e. time sheets, purchase orders). Usually, they are valuable for short periods (1-7 years) and have no archival value.
Records which document the operation and internal administration of an office; usually distinguished from program records that relate to the office's primary functions.