Federal Resource Center 504 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974
Family Resource Center. Provides information, education and support to families of children with special health care needs.
FEDERAL RECORDS CENTER. A storage facility established for the receipt, maintenance, servicing, and disposition of records which are retired in accordance with the provisions of authorized disposition schedules. The National Archives and Records Administration operates a system of Federal records centers which DOE is authorized to use.
Family Records Centre, 1 Myddelton Street, Islington, London EC1R 1UW. It combines the public search rooms on the ONS General Register Office (indexes for births, marriage and deaths), with the census and wills rooms of The National Archives (TNA).
Federal Records Center (U.S.)
FEDERAL RECORDS CENTER. A records center operated by NARA. See also RECORDS CENTER, STANDARD FORM 135.
Federal Records Center. a facility, operated by NARA, for the low-cost storage and servicing of Federal records pending disposal or transfer to the National Archives.
Financial Review and Control. In this context, is a collection of policies and procedures for performing monthly tests that scrutinize financial records in an MIT Department, Lab, or Center.