Records necessary for conducting the current business of the office and therefore kept in the office. Generally, active records are those referenced at least once a month. Also referred to as current records. [Back
Records necessary to conduct the current business of an office and therefore generally maintained in office space and equipment. Also called CURRENT RECORDS.
Records which continue to be maintained in their place of origin and are regularly used for the conduct of the current business of an agency, institution, or organization.
Activity model definition of Authentic, aggregated active records Records which are needed by the records' creator for the purposes of carrying out the actions for which they were created.
Records which are used in an office at least once per year.
Records that continue to be used by the creating administrative unit for the conduct of regular business and are maintained in active office files.
Records regularly used for the conduct of the current business of their creator, and therefore, continue to be maintained in office spaces (also called current or working records).