A book designed for swimmers to keep records of their own times for each event. This is an excellent way of keeping track of improvement. Logbooks may be purchased at most meets and sport/ swim shops.
A register book that lists a pilot's flight time, instructor endorsements, and completed training topics.
Français : Carnet de bord des véhicules Deutsch : Fahrzeugakte A record of data relating to each bus (technical and performance characteristics, failures/faults, maintenance actions as well as age and km/mileage).
Most container type caches usually have a small notebook that stays permanently with the cache. Visitors to the cache are encouraged to sign the logbook while there. Often the person that placed the logbook will have a brief message on the first page of the book. Be sure to read this page in case there is any special information regarding the cache. Take your time and feel free to read the logs of previous cachers. After seeing the same names at various caches, you will soon feel as though you know these people
Logbooks are journals that are used to record found and planted letterboxes. Each letterboxer has their own, personal logbook used to record boxes they've found, and each letterbox has a logbook to record all of the people who've found it.
the official records of the daily operations of a manned vessel, kept in detail by the master.
a diary of a divers dive history. Provides evidence of the depth and breadth of a divers experience.
a book in which the log is written
an important part of your permanent record as a pilot, and you should always strive to keep it correct, but there are lots of gray areas where you can run into documentation problems based on a misunderstanding of the regulations and principles
an objective record of what the student does during a project
a useful record-keeping tool in a composting operation
A diary-like listing of an individual's daily activities, which can be used to help remind the person of upcoming events.
an official record of the operation, testing, maintenance, service and repair of a piece of equipment.
An official record of catch and effort data kept by fishers.
Drivers book containing daily hours, routes, etc. They are required by DOT regulation.
Book carried by truck drivers in which they record their hours of service and duty status for each 24-hour period. Required in interstate commercial trucking by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
A record kept by a person of the knowledge, skills or competencies attained during on-the-job or off-the-job training.
A daily record of the hours an interstate driver spends driving, off duty, sleeping in the berth, or on duty but not driving.
Record book used by mariners to record events on a ship's voyage. Also used by students in Marine Vocational Educational programs to record competencies.
A book in which the boat's log is kept. Each entry usually contains the time and date of the entry, weather conditions, boat speed and course, position and other information.
A Logbook is a book for recording readings from the log.