A document prepared as part of a records retention program that lists the period of time for retaining records.
A comprehensive list of records series titles, indicating for each series the length of time it is to be maintained. May include retention in active office areas, inactive storage areas, and when and if such series may be destroyed or formally transferred to another entity, such as an archives, for historical preservation (ARMA International).
A time table based upon administrative reference needs and legal requirements for the handling and location of records during their creation through their periods of reference use to their destruction or retirement. This schedule becomes a control of the final disposition.
A control document which describes the records of an institution or administrative unit at the record series level, establishes a timetable for the record series life cycle, prescribes an ultimate disposition for the record series, and serves as the legal authorization for the disposition of public records. Selected series dispositions from the University Records Retention and Disposition Schedule are found in Chapter five of this handbook.
The Common Records Retention Schedule for School Systems MPR #4a or a locally developed schedule adopted by the local board of education that indicates how and for what period of time a school district will retain each of the various program records.
A comprehensive schedule of records series by department, indicating for each series the length of time it is to be maintained in office areas, or records centers, and when and if such series may be microfilmed, destroyed or transferred to an archives. Retention schedules are authorized by the State Records Committee.