a list of record series (types of records) setting out the periods/actions describing their preservation/destruction
a list of the records series of an organisation with directions for how the records are to be disposed of after their creation and initial use. A schedule is a written statement of how long each series, or group of series, is to be kept (e.g. a period of years, until an action has been completed, or indefinitely) and may include instructions on when records are to be transferred to archives or destroyed. ( See Retention Scheduling, Appraisal and Disposal).
Defines the length of time Iron Mountain should keep your records as inventory. The unit you select here defines the period of time (e.g., month, week, year) the inventory is retained.
Activity Model: definition of CREATE RETENTION SCHEDULE A timetable associated with each class of record, which determines the retention period, the office of primary responsibility and the final disposition of the records.
The description of a record series and its lifecycle.
A timetable which indicates the length of time records must be kept and specifies their method of disposition.