Records without which an organisation could not continue to operate – ie those containing information needed to re-establish the organisation in the event of a disaster. Vital records are those that protect the assets and interests of the organisation as well as those of its clients and shareholders. [15
Records of birth, death, marriage or divorce.
Records or documents, for legal, regulatory, or operational reasons, cannot be irretrievably lost or damaged without materially impairing the organization's ability to conduct business.
civil records of birth, marriage, and death.
Records containing information essential to continue a department or organization in the event of a disaster. They comprise the records necessary to recreate legal and financial status and to determine rights and obligations.
Records essential to resuming or continuing the existence of an organization; those necessary to re-create the company's legal and financial position; and/or those necessary to preserve the rights of the company, its employees, its customers, and its stockholders.
Essential agency records that are needed to meet operational responsibilities under national security emergencies or other emergency or disaster conditions (emergency operating records) or to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and those affected by Government activities (legal and financial rights records).
Certificates issued for birth, marriage, and death records.
documents that record the major events of a person's life: birth, marriage, divorce, death.
Those records, regardless of medium, which are essential to the organisation in order to continue with its business-crucial functions both during and after a disaster. They need not be permanent, might be active or inactive, originals or copies.