International Business Company. A corporation formed (incorporated) under a "Company Act' of tax havens, but not authorized to do business within that country. It is intended to be used for global operations and is owned by member(s)/shareholder(s). IBCs have attributes normally associated with any corporation.
International Business Corporation. An IBC is a corporation that is created in a tax haven and is typically authorized to do business anywhere in the world except its home country.
International Bancshares Corp
International Bathymetric Chart
International Bathymetric Charts
International Broadcast Center
Interstate Bakeries Corporation
a separate legal entity similar to a domestic incorporated company, created under the authority of a statute
International Business Company. A typical company of that type can carry on business outside its jurisdiction of incorporation, have meetings of its Directors and/or Members anywhere in the world, keep as many bank accounts as it desires anywhere in any currency, issue bearer shares. An IBC is exempted from all or the most part of taxes in jurisdiction of incorporation. As a rule such companies have low profile owing to the lack of requirements to register their Directors' and Shareholders' details with the local authorities.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CORPORATION. A term used to describe a variety of offshore corporate structures, characterized by having all or most of its business activity outside the nation of incorporation, maximum privacy, flexibility, low or no taxes on operations, broad powers and minimal filing and reporting requirements.
A corporation. See international business company or exempt company.
International Business Company. A corporation formed (incorporated) under a Company Act of a tax haven, but not authorized to do business within that country of incorporation; intended to be used for global operations. Owned by member(s)/shareholder(s). Has the usual corporate attributes.
International Building Code
International Business Company. A term used to define a variety of offshore corporate structures. Common to all IBCs are its dedication to business use outside the incorporating jurisdiction, rapid formation, secrecy, broad powers, low cost, low to zero taxation and minimal filing and reporting requirements. An increasing number of offshore jurisdictions are permitting the use of bearer shares, nominee shareholders, directors and officers.
International business company or foreign corporation.