Stealing or taking College property for an individual’s own and personal use. It is the fraudulent appropriation of property by an individual to whom it has been entrusted.
is the act of dishonestly taking property belonging to another person with the intention of depriving its owner of it either permanently or temporarily.
Theft means the acquisition of property or goods that belong to another person with the intention of not returning it to the legal owner. The act of theft is stealing not robbery. (See Robbery.)
The unlawful taking of the property of another with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of its use or possession.
the act of taking something from someone unlawfully; "the thieving is awful at Kennedy International"
a taking of another's property with the intent to deprive that person of the use of the property or a nonconsensual use of another's property so as to create an unreasonable risk of loss of the property
The taking or removing of property with intent to deprive the rightful owner. It includes such crimes as robbery, burglary, and larceny.
Any act of stealing, including burglary, robbery and larceny.
An act or instance of stealing. Theft coverage is the most comprehensive of the crime coverages because it covers loss to insured property from a known location or time, encompassing both burglary and robbery.
In Crime Insurance, a broad term encompassing any unlawful taking of property, including burglary and robbery. Usually excludes employee dishonesty and mysterious disappearance.
The willful taking of one persons property by another, wrongfully. To recover indemnity, an intent permanently to deprive the owner of his/her property need not be established for there to be a theft under the policy.
The illegal possession of another personâ€(tm)s property with the intention of not returning it to the owner.
Any act of stealing. Theft includes larceny, burglary and robbery.
Any act of stealing, including robbery and burglary.
A broad term meaning the wrongful taking of the property of another.
In general, the wrongful taking of someone else's property without that person's willful consent.
The dishonest appropriation of the property of another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it.
(Vol) The wrongful taking of the property of another. Any act of stealing, including larceny, pilfering, robbery or burglary.
The act of stealing. For example, claiming travel-allowance from two sources for the same trip.
The act of stealing. It includes such acts as larceny, burglary, and robbery.
Any wrongful act of taking of someone else’s property. Theft is a broad term that includes robbery, burglary, shoplifting and embezzlement. It may also include Mysterious Disappearance.
Taking the personal property of another.
The wrongful taking of the property of another. It is a broad term and includes larceny, pilfering, hold-up, robbery and pick-pocketing.
Any unlawful taking or stealing of property, including burglary and robbery.
an act of stealing. It includes LARCENY, BURGLARY, and ROBBERY. (See Chapter 812, Florida Statutes)
In the criminal law, theft (also known as stealing) is the illegal taking of another person's property without that person's freely-given consent. As a term, it is used as shorthand for all major crimes against property, encompassing offences such as burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, trespassing, shoplifting, intrusion, fraud (theft by deception) and sometimes criminal conversion. In some jurisdictions, theft is considered to be synonymous with larceny; in others, theft has replaced larceny.