One who perpetrates; esp., one who commits an offense or crime.
One who actually commits the crime, either by his or her own hand, by an animate or inanimate agency, or by an innocent agent.
The person committing an offense or criminal behavior. ("Perpetrators of sexual offenses may not hold certain jobs in many states.")
From "Perpetrate" - "To be responsible for; commit; to accomplish; to bring about." (The American Heritage College Dictionary) According to Black's Law Dictionary, the word "perpetrator" denotes the person who actually commits a crime." "But, where a servant of a railroad company is killed through the negligence of a co-worker, the company itself may be regarded as the "perpetrator" of the act, within the meaning of a statute giving an action against the perpetrator."
the person who has allegedly committed a crime.
a person, group, or institution that directly inflicts, supports and condones violence or other abuse against a person or a group of persons
The person who has been determined to have caused or knowingly allowed the maltreatment of a child.
is a person who commits a crime such as domestic violence. The majority of domestic violence perpetrators are men, however women can also be perpetrators.
The person who has carried out an act.
Person who commits a crime, carries out a deception.
A person who provokes or commits an act against another, usually in reference to the commission of a crime or violent occurrence. For the purpose of the reporting requirement, perpetrator refers to the person who is the initial aggressor.
a person who actually commits a crime.
A participant in the killing of the Jews. This term includes all those who were involved even from far away: bureaucrats, lawyers, architects, chemists, businessmen, railroad officials, diplomats, etc.