Definitions for "LARCENY-THEFT"
the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away by stealth of property, other than a motor vehicle, from the possession or constructive possession of another, including attempts.
the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possessing or constructive possession of another (except embezzlement, fraud, forgery, and worthless checks). Attempted larceny-theft is included.
(except motor vehicle theft) - The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another. Examples are thefts of bicycles or automobile accessories, shoplifting, pocket-picking, or the stealing of any property or article that is not taken by force and violence, or by fraud. Attempted larcenies are included. Embezzlement, “con” games, forgery, worthless checks, etc., are excluded.