Voluntary accordance with, or concurrence in, what is done or proposed by another; acquiescence; compliance; approval; permission.
Capable, deliberate, and voluntary assent or agreement to, or concurrence in, some act or purpose, implying physical and mental power and free action.
An agreement you sign that gives your permission to receive medical services or treatment from doctors or hospitals.
This is one individual's voluntary agreement to another's proposition.
to give permission. Legally, one cannot give consent to have sex if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Formal agreement.• Adoption• Annulment• Children & Civil Law• Children - Movement
Agreement; voluntary acceptance of the wish of another.
permission parents may give after they have been fully informed regarding the activity the district wants to implement. This information must be provided to the parents in their native language or mode of communication. Parental consent is voluntary and may be revoked at any time
acceptance or approval of what is planned or done; it involves voluntary agreement to an action, whether it is a treatment option or a diagnostic test; the patient-health care worker relationship is founded on the patient's consent to the care being provided
Your health care team must seek your permission (your consent) before you have an examination or treatment. See giving your consent section.
Agreeing to an activity while fully understanding the risks and responsibilities that go along with the activity you are agreeing to.
means a licence or permission or any authorisation under Part V of the EP&A Act.
To voluntarily agree to an act purposely.
A patient's oral and written agreement to participate in a clinical trial. Consent is based on full disclosure about the treatment, its potential risks and benefits, alternative treatments, and any other information the patient needs to make the decision. Patients enrolling in clinical trials must sign a consent form that explains what will happen in the trial.
refers to an explicit agreement to participate in a certain action. Consent is particularly important in sexual relationships - without clear consent a sexual action or overture could constitute sexual harassment or assault. Consent must be granted freely - not through threats or intimidation - and can be be revoked at anytime.
Voluntary agreement or approval as to some act or purpose, such as giving a police officer consent, or permission, to search your property.
For the purposes of PIPEDA, consent is voluntary agreement or authorization from a patient/client, or his/her legally authorized representative, to collect, use, retain, disclose, and retain his/her own personal health information.
permission to do something; "he indicated his consent"
a general document that gives health care providers, which have a direct treatment relationship with a patient, permission to use and disclose all PHI for TPO
The parent has been fully informed of all information relevant to the activity for which consent is sought, in his or her native language, or other mode of communication; the parent understands and agrees in writing to the carrying out of the activity for which his or her consent is sought, and the consent describes that activity and lists the records (if any) that will be released and to whom; and the parent understands that the granting of consent is voluntary on the part of the parent and may be revoked at anytime. (34 C.F.R. §300.500)
the right of persons who participate in research to know what shall or shall not happen to them. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) must judge whether three conditions are met: disclosure of information (participant has been provided full information regarding the research), comprehension (participant fully understands all ramifications of the research), and voluntariness (participant is volunteering free of coercion and undue influence).
The parent tells the school in writing that the parent understands and agrees to what the school plans to do. The consent form says the parent understands consent is voluntary and the parent can take it back at any time. You can revoke the consent, but it does not cancel what the LEA has already done.
Consent is agreement to a plan of action or particular treatment. “Informed consent†is when a patient (or parent) is given information and then voluntarily agrees to continue. Another term used is “informed choiceâ€. Informed choice is when a patient (or parent) is given a choice and provided with information about the procedure, treatment or test to inform their decision.
A voluntary statement by one person allowing another to do something.
A process during which clinicians inform patients/families about treatment, possible adverse events and the benefits of treatment. Before treatment or enrollment in a study can begin, the patient/families must sign forms to indicate they understand what has been explained to them and consent to the proposed treatment or the research procedure. (Usually referred to by "informed consent.")
Consent is the requirement that a parent is fully informed concerning all information relating to any action the school intends to take on behalf of their child. Under IDEA, it is the school's obligation to ensure parental consent is understood and given voluntarily and may be revoked as a parent deems appropriate.
To agree, approve, or authorize
Consent means that the individual of legal age or, if not, the parent or guardian, has been fully informed of all information relevant to the activity for which consent is sought, in his or her native language, or other mode of communication and that the individual understands and agrees in writing to the carrying out of the activity for which his or her consent is sought; the consent describes that activity and lists the records (if any) that will be released and to whom; the individual of legal age or, if not, the parent or guardian, understands that the granting of consent is voluntary and may be revoked at anytime, and if the individual of legal age or, if not, the parent or guardian, revokes consent, that revocation is not retroactive (i.e., it does not negate an action that has occurred after the consent was given and before the consent was revoked).
Permission from different individuals or entities. Often a company must obtain the consent (or waiver) from a specified percentage of those stockholders who are contractually protected by a covenant to take certain actions otherwise restricted by a covenant.
the approval that you give for someone to do something that they could not otherwise do; consent is always voluntary and may be canceled at any time
Voluntary agreement of one who has sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent choice to do something proposed by another person.
Planning consent is the same thing as planning permission. For some reason, the usual terms used are 'conservation area consent' and 'listed building consent,' but usually 'planning permission'.
agreement voluntary written admission of paternity or responsibility for support
when a person voluntarily agrees that the contents of one will is displaced by another, a voluntary yielding to the contents of the other.
Permission to collect, use and share personal information for a stated purpose. People must understand what they are agreeing to and agree voluntarily. The consent is not valid or acceptable if there is extreme pressure or coercion, for example, where consent is given under threat. (See also definitions of implied and express consent.)
In the terms of BDSM, this word means the give permission to planned occurrences (such as to consent to being blindfolded). In terms of D/s, the word refers to giving agreement to situations and decisions at the discretion of the Dominant (although the agreement may define specific restrictions).
A patient's approval to have a specific procedure or surgery performed following counseling by the operating provider. All references to "consent" in this document will include "informed consent," if applicable.
An agreement in writing to carry out an activity after being fully informed in one's native language of all information relevant to the activity.
Agreement by the individual for the entity to collect, use, and disclose personal information in accordance with the privacy notice. Such agreement can be explicit or implied. Explicit consent is given either orally or in writing, is unequivocal, and does not require any inference on the part of the entity seeking consent. Implied consent may reasonably be inferred from the action or inaction of the individual (see opt in and opt out, below). Cookie Cookies are pieces of information generated by a Web server and stored in the user's computer, ready for future access. This information can then be used to identify the user when returning to the Web site, to personalize Web content, and suggest items of potential interest based on previous buying habits. Certain advertisers use tracking methods, including cookies, to analyze the patterns and paths through a site.
Explicit permission, given to a Web site by a visitor, to handle her personal information in specified ways. Web sites that ask users to provide personally identifiable information should be required to obtain "informed consent", which implies that the company fully discloses its information practices prior to obtaining personal data or permission to use it.
A written agreement to obey a decision or deal.
This means a student must receive permission (consent) to enroll in the class. Students must contact the designated person (usually the instructor or department administrator) for a permission code which grants permission to enroll in the class. The student must return to sage and enroll in the class using the permission number.
Voluntary agreement or approval for an opinion or action proposed or done by another. In an educational setting, parent/guardian consent is necessary in order for the school system to proceed with many student interventions, services, or activities.
When a person voluntarily agrees to something proposed by another. If you sign an Order saying you are consenting to the Order, you are saying that you agree with everything that has been stated in the Order.
Requirement that the parent be fully informed of all information that relates to any action that school wants to take about the child, that parent understands that consent is voluntary and may be revoked at any time. See also Procedural safeguards notice and prior written notice.
A voluntary agreement with what is being done or is being proposed to be done. Consent can either be expressed or implied. Express consent may be given explicitly, either orally or in writing.
When a person agrees, gives permission or is accepting of something being done or planned by someone else. The person who consents does so without being forced or pressured into anything.
Legal process through which a birth parent voluntarily agrees to make an adoption plan for their child with a specific family through an Independent Adoption.
a voluntary agreement by a fully informed, competent patient to a form of treatment or investigation.
parental permission permitting school to act in a way that affects a child's education (parental consent is required before evaluations are undertaken and services are provided)
This means getting consent or permission from the respondents before conducting the survey.
Oral or written permission. In order for consent for treatment to be sufficient under the law, you must be fully informed as to the problem for which the treatment is proposed, a description of the treatment and how it works, the risks and consequences of the treatment, the likelihood that the treatment will be successful, the possible alternatives, and the consequences of receiving no treatment.
Free and willing agreement. (eg., A "consent order" is made when both parties agree to the terms of the order and then the judge signs off on it.)
An agreement to do something or to allow something to happen, made with complete knowledge of all relevant facts, such as the risks involved or any available alternatives.
Giving your permission or agreement, after you have all of the information that you need to do so.
A justification offered as a defense to a criminal charge which claims that the person suffering an injury either agreed to sustain the injury, or that the possibility of injury in some activity was agreed to before that activity was undertaken.
Parental permission, usually given by signing a letter or form, agreeing to let the schools take an action which affects a child's education. Consent is required before a child can be evaluated or receive special education services under IDEA.
Agreement by a consumer or legally responsible person following receipt of information from the agency who will provide the proposed treatment or procedure. Consent implies that the consumer or legally responsible person was provided with sufficient information, including both benefits and risks, in order to make a decision with regard to such treatment.
is when all partners say "yes" to having sex and mean it. Everyone agrees on what they're going to do, and anyone can make it stop. Saying "no" or saying nothing at all is not consent.
Formal agreement. Related links: Adoption Annulment Children & Civil Law
Giving permission to do something.
Agreement to do something. Informed consent is agreement to do something based upon a complete understanding of that task.
Consent as a term of jurisprudence is a possible excuse against civil or criminal liability. Defendants who use this defense are arguing that they should not be held liable for a tort or a crime, since the actions in question were taken with the plaintiff or "victim's" consent and permission.