The agency responsible for regulation and control of communication in the United States.
This is a Federal agency responsible for regulating radio wave usage and some other media. The FCC answers to Congress and also implements international radio standards.
Federal Commission of Communications. Regulatory body of the US government.
the United States standards-setting body for communication industries.
The US governmental agency which controls and makes all policy for the use of broadcast airwaves.
Five-member commission in the United States responsible for administering the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
The U.S. federal agency responsible for regulating interstate telecommunications, as well as international telecommunications, aspects of cellular communications and broadcasting. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934.
US ederal ommunications ommission.
This United States commission regulates communications by setting rates, controlling broadcast licensing, and testing electronic equipment to RF (radio frequency) transmission and related standards.
The regulator of the telephone and telecommunications industries in the United States. Right now there is very little regulation of the VoIP industry.
An independent federal agency of the U.S. government, authorized by the Communications Act of 1934, responsible for managing private and commercial communications spectrum and regulating communications services in the United States.
is mandated under Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. FCC in our documentation is our statement that our products meet or exceed the limits for both conducted and radiated electro-magnetic emissions in accordance with part 15B of Title 47.
Federal Capital Contribution. Federal funds contributed to maintain educational loan funds. Close
ederal ommunications ommission: The United States federal agency responsible for commercial and private spectrum management.
Federal Communication Comission
an independent governmeent agency that regulates interstate and international communications by radio and television and wire and cable and satellite
The government that take charge of adjustment for a broadcast or mutual communication of a each State in U.S.
A federal agency that develops and publishes rules and regulations governing communications and communications equipment in the U.S.
This government agency regulates radio, television, wire, cable and satellite communication.
Government agency regulating interstate and international communication television, radio, wire, satellite, and cable.
The government agency that regulations telecommunications and other broadcast medium.
Federal Communications Commission.
US regulatory and approvals agency.
flat shading frequency spectrum
These are the people in the government who decide what's legal and illegal to broadcast, including what frequencies are allowed to be used by whom.
A US body regulating, approving and licensing radiated electromagnetic signals including broadcasting and telecommunications.
Federal Communication Commission.
The regulator of telephone and telecommunications services in the United States. It's not yet known the full extent to which the FCC will regulate VoIP communications. Part of the complication lies with determining the regulation of communications that begin or end on an FCC-regulated system, such as the standard telephone service.
Regulatory body governing communications technologies in the US. Established by the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and regulates interstate communications (wire, radio, telephone, telegraph and telecommunications) originating in the United States.
The federal agency empowered by law to regulate all interstate and foreign wire and radio communications services originating in the United States, including radio, television, facsimile, telegraph and telephone systems. The agency was established under the Communications Act of 1934.
Federal CommunicationsCommission
Federal Communications Commiss-ion. Established by the Communi-cations Act of 1934 and part of the Executive Branch, this federal agency is responsible for regulating interstate telecommunications, television and radio. The FCC is directly responsible for overseeing AT&T and the Regional Holding Companies.
Federal Communications Comission,the governing body for telecommunications in the United States.
A US government agency responsible for regulating communications industries.
The FCC is the U.S. government agency that regulates electronic communications.
The federal agency charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC's jurisdiction covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions.
The Federal Communications System is the government agency responsible for regulation of the communications industry. Visit
ederal ommunications ommission; the US government agency that regulates and monitors interstate communications, and the use of the electromagnetic spectrum.
The regulatory agency established in the United States for all interstate radio and electronic communications.
The federal government agency responsible for regulating telecommunications in the United States, including commercial and private wireless spectrum management.
A regulatory agency established by the Communications Act of 1934, charged with regulating all electrical and radio communications in the United States.
The federal government agency responsible for regulating interstate telecommunications, including radio and television broadcasting
Federal Computer Communications