Definitions for "Seafood"
edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc
Seafood is any sea animal or seaweed that is served as food or is suitable for eating. This usually includes seawater animals, such as fish and shellfish (including mollusks and crustaceans). By extension, in North America although not generally in the United Kingdom, the term seafood is also applied to similar animals from fresh water and all edible aquatic animals are collectively referred to as seafood.
a strong suit at this convivial restaurant, so we opted for a luxurious appetizer of lobster gazpacho served in a large martini glass with cubes of avocado
Keywords:  aki, saltfish, porgy, monk, salmon
Aki & Saltfish, whiting, porgy's, monk, salmon – whatever your choice, you'll want to try these recipes for seafood. 0 Recipes » 1 Sub Categories
Keywords:  london, band, around, formed
Seafood are a UK band formed in London around 1996.
Keywords:  food
Food from the sea.