The number of viable offspring that a female of a species can produce during her lifetime; contrast with fecundity.
The actual output of births, as opposed to the potential output (fecundity).
Capable of producing offspring (children) Fetal Relating to the fetus Fetus The unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth. Fortified To strengthen or enrich by adding vitamins or minerals or other nutrients. Free radical Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals that attack molecules by capturing electrons and thus modifying chemical structures. Free radicals can cause cell damage that may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease and cancers, and other diseases.
The actual level of childbearing for an individual or a population.
refers to actual reproduction. A woman is fertile is she has born, or is bearing, offspring
Relates the number of live births to the number of women, couples, or very rarely, men.
the ability to produce a child
the state of being able to produce offspring; does not refer to the ability to have sexual relations.
capability of reproducing
Actual capability of an organism to produce living offspring. On a herd basis, best expressed as the number of calves born per year as a percentage of the number of females exposed to the bull in the previous year. May also be expressed as the number of conceptions confirmed by pregnancy diagnosis or the calving percentage of services or inseminations. It may be expressed as the percentage of non-returns (i.e., cows which did not come on heat after insemination) but obviously this is not a satisfactory method.
A classification of the signs based on their susposed productivity. Fertile signs, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are said to be good for planting when occupied by the Moon, and are indicators of offspring when occupying the cusps of the fifth or eleventh houses. Semi-fertile or moderately fruitful signs are Taurus, Libra, and Capricorn. Barren or sterile are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The barren signs are good for cultivation when occupied by the Moon, and are indicators of not having children when occupying the cusps of the fifth or eleventh houses.
the state of being fertile; capable of producing offspring.
Measurement of actual number of offspring produced through sexual reproduction; usually described in terms of number of offspring of females, since paternity can be difficult to determine.
the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year
Percentage of all eggs set that are fertile, i.e., capable of developing an embryo.
Frequency of live births (the actual reproductive performance) of an individual, a couple, a group or a whole population.
The ability of a couple to reproduce.
The capacity to impregnate, conceive and/or bear children.
The ability to become pregnant.
Pronunciation: (fer-TIL-i-tee) The ability to reproduce (bear) children.
Ability to conceive or reproduce
The ability to conceive a pregnancy.
The actual reproductive performance of individuals, couples, groups or populations. The occurrence of live births in a population. One of the three basic demographic processes (along with mortality and migration). Also referred to as natality.
The ability to produce offspring.
The ability of a female to conceive or of a male to impregnate.
the ability to become a parent, to transmit one's own life.
the relative degree of reproductive success, i.e. the frequency with which mating is followed by pregnancy.
The ability to produce children.
Being able to conceive and carry a baby to term.
The childbearing performance of individuals, couples, groups or populations. Sometimes measured as the number of live births per 1,000 people in a given year or as the number of children born to women of a particular childbearing age. Use your browser's back button to return from whence you came.
(1) The actual reproductive performance of an individual, a couple, a group, or a population. See general fertility rate. (2) The term fertility is used instead of natality when births are put in relation with the number of women of fertile age. The fertility of a generation can be summarized by completed fertility and mean age at childbirth, whereas the total period fertility rate measures the fertility rate for the year.
the ability to reproduce; in humans, the ability to bear children.
The number of live births per parent; the capacity to conceive and generate live offspring.
Ability to conceive and to produce offspring: for litter- bearing species the number of offspring per litter is used as a measure of fertility. Reduced fertility is sometimes referred to as subfertility. USEPA, 1989 RT fecundity
The number of live offspring per individual of a given genotype.
The capacity to conceive or to induce conception. It may refer to either the male or female.
The ability to have children.
See Children ever born - fertility
Fertility is a measure of reproduction: the number of children born per couple, person or population. This is different to fecundity, which is defined as the potential for reproduction (influenced by gamete production, fertilisation and carrying a pregnancy to term). In the English language, the term was originally applied only to females, but increasingly is applied to males as well, as common understanding of reproductive mechanisms increases and the importance of the male role is better known.