A group of legislators appointed to hold public hearings or otherwise consider proposals within certain subject areas and recommend some of them for further consideration on the floor. (See also conference committee, special committee, and standing committee.)
A group of people chosen to perform specific functions. There are a variety of committees in the House, formed to manage the workload related to screening, studying, debating and resolving differences over bills. There are standing committees and subcommittees, special or select committees, and conference committees.
The body of members within the House or the Senate that reviews and investigates material on a certain topic. Most standing committees are further divided into subcommittees that are even smaller groups of people that deal with more specific topics for that committee, then report back to the committe as a whole. The full committee, in turn, will report back to the entire House or Senate on a particular bill, often proposing ammendments to it.
This may refer to one of several types of important committees. Admissions Committee: Applications for graduate school are considered, and admission decisions are made by a committee of faculty members within that academic department. Students applying to an engineering department, for example, will be admitted or denied by the admissions committee composed of faculty members in engineering, rather than by a central admissions director within the university's administration. Dissertation or examination committee: A committee of faculty members usually chosen by the graduate student from within his or her department or from within closely related departments, to help the student plan the dissertation or determine the general content of the qualifying examination or final dissertation defense. These committees usually serve both as advisors to the student and as examiners on the material studied or research performed.
n.: A body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
A group of senators or representatives that meets to discuss bills, hold hearings and make recommendations to a larger group.
Consists of members of the House and Senate ( JointCommittees) or House or Senate members only ( StandingCommittees). Joint committees study and research Bills under their consideration, hold public hearings and report on Bills.(See also Committee Report)
a group of persons, usually appointed by a larger group or legislative body to define and/or carry out a purpose or respond to an issue
The collective name for those in charge of a competition or a course.
A group of legislators, appointed by the presiding officer of the house or the senate, to which proposed legislation is referred or a specific task is assigned.
The group of adult volunteers who "run" the Pack.
The City of London works through a system of committees that are broken down into specific areas of work. These committee meetings discuss the City of Londonâ€(tm)s day-to-day activities and projects in collaboration with City of London officers who carry out the work and who report to the Town Clerk and Chief Executive. The committees are where the decision-making process evolves, with crucial issues that arise from them taken on to be debated in the Court of Common Council.
A group of members assigned to give special consideration to certain bills. Each Member of Congress is usually assigned to two committees, and each committee is responsible for different agencies and programs.
A body of members appointed by the presiding officer (or another authority specified by the chamber) to consider and make recommendations concerning disposition of bills, resolutions and other related matters. Conference committee -- A committee composed of members from the two houses specifically appointed to reconcile the differences between House and Senate versions of a bill or bills. Interim committee -- A committee established to study or investigate certain matters between annual or biennial legislative sessions and to report to the next regular session. Joint committee -- A committee composed of members from both chambers. Standing committee -- A committee appointed with continuing responsibility in a general issue area or field of legislative activity.
A subdivision of the House or Senate that prepares legislation for action by the parent chamber. There are several types of committees. Most standing committees are divided into subcommittees, which study legislation, hold hearings and report their recommendations to the full committee. Only full committees can report legislation for action by the House or Senate.
A group of Members of Parliament that considers matters referred to it and reports its findings to Parliament.
a group of appointed legislators that review, discuss and possibly amend bills to be voted on the floor of either house, usually in specific areas, e.g. finance, education
(kuh-MIT-ee): A group of people who are chosen to discuss issues. The committee then makes decisions for a larger group. In the Middle East crisis, a committee will be formed to find the causes of the recent violence.
A group of legislators chosen to give consideration to a defined set of legislative matters. Keep In Touch tracks Federal and State House and Senate Committee members.
A group of Legislators delegated to examine a certain subject or certain proposals. Legislative committees can take different forms, the most common use of the term is to refer to Joint Standing Committees witch consist of 3 Senators and 10 Representatives.
The Knesset elects Members of standing committees on a parliamentary group basis. Committees address most of the legislation and supervise the Government by means of meetings on matters of ministerial affairs. Standing committees may appoint subcommittees or committees on an individual matter composed of its members; committees on an individual matter are entitled to deal with issues and present recommendations to the committee, but not make decisions. The Defense and Security Committee, the State Control Committee and the Finance Committee have standing subcommittees. When certain discussions or decisions are required, the committee Chairman, with the approval of the Speaker of the Knesset, may authorize one of these subcommittees to make decisions, if convinced that the issue on the agenda concerns the national security or foreign affairs, and both the discussion and the decision must remain secret. These subcommittees consist of no more than five members. A decision is considered the decision of the committee.
a special group delegated to consider some matter; "a committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours" - Milton Berle
a body appointed by a court or agency of the Church to study matters committed to it and to recommend appropriate action and carry into effect specific directions or decisions made by the appointing court or agency
a body of one or more persons appointed or elected by an assembly or society to consider, or investigate, or take action in regard to, certain matters or subjects, or to do all of these things
a collection of members, where every member has a linear ordering on the alternatives of a finite ground set X
a collection of the unfit chosen from amongst the unwilling, by the incompetent, to do the unnecessary
a dedicated group of individuals who will strive to make this year informative, innovative and interesting
a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing, but, together, can decide that nothing can be done
a group of councillors chosen by the Council to make decisions about an area of service such as Planning or Licensing and Appeals
a group of elected councillors, who concentrate on a specific matter or issue that the council has responsibility for
a group of important individuals who singly can do nothing but who can together agree that nothing can be done
a group of individuals who all put in a perfectly good color, Alan Sherman pointed out, and it comes out gray
a group of members appointed to exercise certain powers or duties delegated to it by the County Council
a group of men that keeps the minutes and loses hours
a group of men who individually can do nothing and as a group decide that nothing can be done
a group of men who individually can do nothing, but as a group, decides that nothing can be done
a group of men who individually can do nothing, but collectively can meet and decide that nothing can be done
a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours
a group of messaging vendors developing an extension to the Common Messaging Call (CMC) standard
a group of people who have a specific goal or job they are trying to accomplish
a group of people who individually can do nothing and collectively decide that nothing can be done
a group of people who individually can do nothing but together can decide that nothing can be done - Fred Allen Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary - Frank L
a group of people who operate a specific area during the Festival
a group of persons who keep minutes and waste hours
a group of Psi Phi members organized for a particular task or function
a group of Society members who perform a functional task or coordinate activities of the HPS in a particular area
a group of the unprepared, appointed by the unwilling, to do the unnecessary
a group of the unwilling chosen form the unfit, to do the unnecessary
a group, reporting on progress it has never made
a group that keeps minutes and wastes hours
a group that keeps the minutes but loses the hours
a group which feels obliged to meet regularly -- and perpetually
a group which succeeds in getting something done when, and only when, it consists of three members, one of whom happens to be sick and another absent
a longer term temporary working group with a specific assignment for part of the Team's work
a member of the NTO (National Tourism Organization)
an important responsibility as a Board Member
a non-elected working party appointed by the DMA Board
a small discussionsgroupsthat usually has no more than seven members
a structured group of members that work together towards a goal that enriches the contribution that the DRAA makes to the community by increasing the awareness of the science of astronomy to the general public
Committees are sub-groups of the legislature that examine legislation. Often, there are many standing committees, which are divided into sub-committees that address specific areas of concern.
Designated group of Members assigned the responsibility for holding hearings and consideration of measures within their jurisdictions and referred to them for this purpose.
A group of individuals who have the responsibility to perform a function, such as investigating, planning, or acting on a particular matter within a short period of time. Committees are used extensively in Extension work. Some examples include activity planning committees, program review committees, advisory committees, standing committees, and ad hoc committees.
A group of Senators or Representatives appointed by the presiding officer to consider an issue or question and to submit a report on its recommendations for action by the body which created it.
Standing - A committee of continuous existence to which bills are referred for consideration by subject. Conference - A temporary group of five members from each house, selected to resolve differences in a bill as passed by each house.
A body of elected members delegated by the House or Senate to consider and make recommendations concerning disposition of bills, resolutions, and other related matters referred to it. Committees are appointed by the Speaker of the House or the Senate Majority Leader and are organized according to subject matter.
1. Body of either House of Parliament selected to debate a specific matter. 2. Generic name given to the publication of the transcript of a days debate.
(Standing) - One of 14 committees of the Nebraska Legislature that holds public hearings and debate on specific types of legislation. | The Agriculture Committee held a public hearing on the farm aid bill. [ Lesson 3
Subsidiary organization of the Senate established for the purpose of considering legislation, conducting hearings and investigations, or carrying out other assignments as instructed by the parent chamber. concurrent resolution A legislative measure, designated "S. Con. Res." and numbered consecutively upon introduction, generally employed to address the sentiments of both chambers, to deal with issues or matters affecting both houses, such as a concurrent budget resolution, or to create a temporary joint committee. Concurrent resolutions are not submitted to the President and thus do not have the force of law.
A group of members appointed to supervise certain functions of Parliament or to make investigations on legislation or other matters. Each House may appoint committees or there can be joint committees with members from both houses.
A group of legislators in the House or Senate that prepares legislation for action for the officiating chamber. Committees often schedule public hearings to discuss legislative issues. Most action takes place at the subcommittee level.
A panel of legislators appointed by the respective presiding officers to perform specific duties. Types of committees include::.::.:: As used in the Senate
A multinational group of students that coordinates some part or activities of BEST
A group of Members of Parliament appointed by one or both Houses to consider and report on matters referred to it. Some Standing Committees have a broad scope which lasts for the life of the Parliament, while Select Committees consider specific issues referred to them.
A committee of the local council (or other statutory planning authority - such as a National Park) will deal with planning matters. Some planning applications are decided by the officers (professional council employees) without going to committee. If someone has objected to the application it will normally go to committee. The officers will make a recommendation - to grant or refuse it - but the committee may make a different decision. Anyone may attend the Planning Committee meeting but you can only speak if you have previously arranged to do so. You can of course lobby your own councilors, or others who are on the Planning Committee, in advance.
A groups of people officially delegated to perform a function, as investigating, considering, reporting, or acting on a matter.
A-D is a membership driven, committee-based organization.Committee members are elected from A-D's Networks, non-competing Affiliate groups that together include all A-D member organizations
the person or group in charge of the competition, or if not in competition, the person or group in charge of the course Example: The Committee has determined that for today's tournament 'Winter Rules' will govern play.
One appointed by a court to manage the estate of a person who has been declared incompetent. Also known as conservator or a curator.
A group of persons chosen to perform specific functions. legislators use a number of different committee formats: committee of reference is a committee to which legislation is referred for consideration.
A group of legislators, usually members of the same house, assigned to consider some issue or question and submit a report on its recommendations for action by the body which created it.
a group of people chosen to do a particular job or for special duties
A group of persons who keeps minutes and Wastes hours.
A working group made up of appointed legislators for the purpose of study, research and direction of proposed bills.
a group of members of a legislative body assigned a special task
Most of the legislative and policy work of the European Parliament is done in specialised committees of MEPs, similar to Select or Standing Committees in Westminster. Committees produce reports on legislative proposals within their remits, which will include amendments. These are then based on in plenary sessions of the Parliament.
A group of people who meet on regular occasions to discuss a specified topic. A company’s board often creates a number of subcommittees to which it delegates responsibility for different functions; for example, directors’ remuneration, the appointment of auditors, and so on.
A body of Senators, MPs, or Senators and MPs selected to consider such matters (including bills) that Parliament may empower it to examine.
At a planning authority, an appointed body of locally elected councillors that makes decisions on planning matters.
The group of lawmakers from a particular chamber that hears bills that deal with certain areas of state law.
A group of three to seven learners, drawn from a larger group, analyzes or investigates a problem or issue, reaches conclusions, and makes recommendations. There may be more than one committee working at the same time. Committees report back to the larger group. Allows in-depth study of various topics or problems in a shortened time frame.
Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.
A group of legislators that develops legislation on particular topics and has jurisdiction over all legislation that pertains to this topic. Legislation must generally pass in a committee before the entire legislative body can vote on it.
A group of legislators chosen to consider and make recommendations on bills and other matters in a particular subject area.
A group of legislators chosen toconsider and make recommendations on billsand other matters in a particular subject area.
a group of people appointed to work together for a particular purpose
A group of legislators from the House of Delegates or the Senate organized for the purpose of considering and deciding on the disposition of a bill or resolution.
Before a bill is considered by the entire body, it is considered by a committee. Committees are usually organized by subject (e.g., Agriculture, Education, Transportation). Committees recommend to the entire body what action to take on the bill.
The "Committee" is the committee in charge of the competition or, if the matter does not arise in a competition, the committee in charge of the course.
A group of people delegated to examine a certain subject or certain proposals. Legislative committees can take several forms ( see following definitions), but the most common use of the term is to refer to joint standing committees.
A body, normally of between 5 and 15 MSPs, chaired by a convener, formed to deal with particular parliamentary business, such as inquiries into Scottish Executive policies and actions, consideration of subordinate legislation, and detailed scrutiny of bills. Subject to the terms of its remit, a committee may propose legislation, as well as scrutinise bills introduced by the Executive or by members. Most committees are either mandatory committees or subject committees, although ad hoc committees may also be established. The remit of each mandatory committee is set out in the standing orders; other committees' remits are set out in the resolution by which they are established.