To witness; to attest; to prove by testimony.
A declaration by a witness under oath, such as that given before a court or deliberative body.
Spoken evidence given by a confident witness, under oath, as distinguished by evidence derived by writings and other sources.
Statements made by a witness under oath or affirmation in a legal preceding.
Evidence given by witness under oath at trial or via affidavit or deposition.
In Quaker use, a way of expressing a belief through your behaviour and actions. To have a testimony means to witness to something e.g. equality, simplicity, honesty and integrity, to be willing to stand up for a principle.
A general term for "witness," used especially in evangelical protestant Christian circles for personal accounts of religious experience.
This is the verbal evidence given under oath by the witness who testifies.
Oral evidence offered by a sworn witness on the witness stand during a criminal trial.
Testimony is the statement made by a witness in court, usually under oath, that is offered as evidence for the truth of what is has been stated. a written statement made by a witness is called an affidavit. (See Witness.)
Information supplied by people involved in a dispute. Testimony is given under oath, a legally binding promise to tell the truth.
This is the legal term used to describe what you and others who know about the facts of your case (witnesses) say at a hearing. Basically, to "testify" at a BVA hearing just means to tell what you know about your case. VA hearings are much more informal than court hearings, so you don't need to worry about technical rules of evidence or being cross-examined when you testify.
What a witness says under oath in response to direct and cross-examination.
Evidence given by a witness who has been sworn to tell the truth.
A statement about a given topic. Can be factual or expert.
a solemn statement made under oath
something that serves as evidence; "his effort was testimony to his devotion"
a long, formal statement made with the intention of proving something
a statement of things a person believes to be true
a witness or confirmation of eternal truth impressed upon individual hearts and souls through the Holy Ghost, whose primary ministry is to testify of truth
a witness to the living Truth within the human heart as it is acted out in everyday life
Statements made by witnesses under oath.
Statements made by witnesses in court.
Statements made in court under oath.
A guiding principle of conduct that bears witness to the presence of God in the world and in our lives. Though there is no official list of such testimonies, Friends have traditionally identified peace and nonviolence, equality, simplicity, stewardship, community, and integrity as their practical principles.
A formal statement, by a party or witness in a case under oath. Statement may be verbal or written.
a statement or declaration made to establish a fact or facts and given under oath.
Statements made by a witness, under oath, before a court or hearing.
Oral evidence given by a witness under oath.
The information or evidence obtained from competent and reliable witnesses.
Oral or written statements given by any person while under oath and subject to cross-examination.
Statements made by a witness under oath about what he or she knows about the crime.
Any statement made by a witness under oath.
Evidence delivered by a witness at trial either orally at trial or in the written form of an affidavit or deposition.
Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
the information given by witnesses or respondent/defendant under oath
Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or beforegrand juries.
Spoken statements that are taken from someone under oath and are submitted as evidence.
The evidence given by a witness under oath. It does not include evidence from documents and other physical evidence.
statements made in court by people who have sworn or affirmed to tell the truth.
Statements delivered under oath at a hearing or deposition.
evidence given by competent witness, under oath; as distinguished from evidence derived from writings and other sources.
Oral evidence presented by a witness under oath.
Statements given by a witness, under oath.
An oral statement made by a witness, under oath, as part of a legal proceeding or legislative hearing. Although "testimony" and "evidence" are frequently used interchangeably, evidence is a broader term that also includes writing and other sources.
Evidence given by a competent witness under oath.
Evidence given by a person as distinguished from evidence from writings and other sources.
The statement of a witness under oath which is given as evidence.
The verbal presentation of a witness in a judicial proceeding.
A declaration, oral or written, given under oath at a public hearing and subject to cross-examination.
(noun) Evidence furnished by a witness under oath or affirmation and either orally or in an affidavit or deposition Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
the sworn evidence presented by witnesses.
An acknowledgment of fact made orally by a witness while under oath in a court of law.
Any statement made under oath in a court of law. You will discuss your testimony with your Houston criminal attorney before appearing on the stand.
an oral declaration made by a witness or party under oath
Statements made by witnesses who have taken an oath or affirmed that they will tell the truth.
Oral evidence offered by a witness in the course of a hearing, a trial, or a deposition.