Information that corresponds to reality.
A repeatable arrangement of Mercy experiences. If Perceiver strategy sees that certain Mercy items occur together often, it accepts these connections as a fact. Facts involve mainly automatic Perceiver thought. Beliefs and truth, in contrast, always live within the internal Perceiver world.
The arrangement of a single Mercy situation, the emotions of which fool Perceiver thought into thinking that this arrangement will be repeated in other situations. A 'belief' or 'truth' is a strengthened form of 'fact.'
A thing done; the quality of having actual existence in the real world; a piece of information presented as having objective reality; an event or thing known to have happened or existed; a truth verifiable from experience or observation.
a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened; "he supported his argument with an impressive array of facts"
an event known to have happened or something known to have existed; "your fears have no basis in fact"; "how much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell"
a concept whose truth can be proved; "scientific hypotheses are not facts"
a claim about the world, and may be true or false
a concept that depicts an accurate view of an Objective Reality
a datum or bit of knowledge the empirical truth value of which is considered, at least statistically incontestable and credible
a delightful, wholesome thing
an accurate description of an object or event or a statement that can be proved true
an actual and absolute reality as distinguished from fiction or error
an actual proven truth, or anything said by a politician that starts with either "I cannot recall" or "I did not have relations with
an assertion that a relationship exists between two entities
an established truth , something that is evident , clearly seen, indisputable, beyond doubt
an event, an occurrence, or something that exists in reality
an indisputable actuality
a physical event, or existence, that is actual and true, rather than a probability, chance, opinion, or theory (see below)
a predicate containing no variables or domain functions
a predicate that is always true
a real event or a thing that can be demonstrated to exist
a rule with an emtpy (always true) body
a simple statement that everyone believes
a specific statement which can be checked or proven true
a statement about reality that is verifiable by others
a statement of conditions known to be true
a statement of observable truth
a statement of the logic that we know is true
a statement that a relationship exists between its arguments
a statement that can be checked or proven to be true
a statement that can be proven by verifiable information
a statement that can be verified--the number of students in a class, the law of gravity, the presence of a virus in a blood specimen
a statement that conforms to the grammatical precepts of the language it is expressed and whose vocabulary research, investigation, and inquiry dictate as warranted to assert
a statement that has survived a process of testing
a statement used in a particular context that can't be refuted through physical evidence within that context
a statement which can be proven to be true
a statement which is so well supported by the evidence that no reasonable person would doubt it
a stubborn thing to deal with, so, a little bit later, German officials confirmed the impounding of military equipment in Hamburg
a truth about the game's setting, as established by the players
a truth as opposed to fiction or mistake
a truth derived from a statement where a promise must be both received and claimed
a truth that can be applied to many things
a truth that can't be denied, the officials of New Orleans and others have been praised for getting organized as much as they could and getting people out
a verifiable objective truth
a verified statement of what is
a very ordinary thing, a design is a higher thing
a very poor thing, a momentary thing
Something that is known to have happened or to be true or to exist
An actual event or a true statement.
A claim that is either true or for which there is excellent evidence or justification. Sometimes “fact” is used for the circumstances asserted by such a claim, as when we say that a claim “states a fact.” This means only that the claim is true or that there is excellent evidence or justification for it.
A statement about the relationship between objects.
an observable action or truth
A thing that has actually happened or is really true. Facts are capable of being "proven," although people still do not always agree on what the facts are.
something that is true, (and usually can be proven)
A piece of information presented as having objective reality. (Objective reality = having reality independent of mind); something that has actual existence; In fact: in truth. (See 'belief', 'faith')
A thing that is known to have occurred, to exist, or to be true. It is a piece of factual evidence. See Rules of Court: Rules 305(1).
An event known to have happened or something known to have existed; an assertion that can be proved. The most important term with which a private investigator must become familiar.
knowledge or information based on real occurrences; a thing that has been done; something shown to exist; something known to have existed; a real occurrence; something believed to be true; an event
information in the database which is always true.
A statement which cannot be false.