change a pawn for a king by advancing it to the eighth row, or change a checker piece for a more valuable piece by moving it the row closest to your opponent
To promote pages means to move them from one environment to another using WebIT. The natural order of promotion is from development (where all changes are made) to staging (where validation and review occurs) to production (where the site is available to the public).
What a pawn does that reaches the other side of the board, and assuming the move is legal, then under any circumstances it can promote to a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or Knight on the promoting square. So you can have nine Queens, possibly.
An online facility for Athens administrators to move accounts within their site from one administrator to another administrator at a higher hierarchical level in the accounts tree.
give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work"
BUSINESS, to advertise something; to publicize a product so that people will buy or rent it; the letting people know of a product with the end in mind of persuading people to purchase it.
make publicity for; try to sell (a product); "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"; "The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"
(v.) To increase the power of all of the ranks under a played card. For example, if a player plays the â™ A, he has "promoted" the â™ K (to the highest spade), the â™ Q (to the 2nd highest spade), etc.
To contribute to the growth, enlargement, or prosperity of (any process or thing that is in course); to forward; to further; to encourage; to advance; to excite; as, to promote learning; to promote disorder; to promote a business venture.
To automatically copy the property values found in a Microsoft Office document to the properties of a SharePoint Portal Server document profile. For example, the author name entered in the Author field of a Word document's Properties page is copied to the Author property on the document profile. See also: demote
ProMoTe is a Software published as Open Source helps modelling and testing Business Processes in all kinds of companies following usual standards of BPM industry.