Fig.: To sketch out or indicate as by an outline; to create a general framework of (a plan, system, discourse, course of thought), for which the details need to be added; as, to outline an argument or a campaign.
In the context of software tools, "outline" means to sketch out the plan, frame, or key thoughts or ideas about a story, research article, project, etc.
An outline gives only the bounding lines of some scene or picture. A sketch fills up the outline in part, giving broad touches, by which an imperfect idea may be conveyed.
with regard to an essay or report, a brief sketch of the main parts; a written plan.
a schematic or preliminary plan
describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas"
draw up an outline or sketch for something; "draft a speech"
a device for organizing writing
a good tool to use to assemble and organize the ideas and evidence that will go into your essay
a listing of brief ideas that will be in the paper
a list of ideas of what you want to include and the order they should follow
a list of ideas, which are grouped by sub-topic in a hierarchy
a list of topics, of sentences, or of questions you intend to answer in your essay
an organized list of what you plan to write about
an overview of your topic
a plan that an author may use to arrange ideas or that a reader may use to understand and remember ideas
a plan that shows the most important ideas in a piece of writing and how they are arranged
a plan to arrange your topics and subtopics in a logical order
a structure that the parts of an essay generally follow
a systematic way of organizing your ideas for your paper
a tool to assist you in organizing and writing your research paper
a valuable aid in magazine writing
a very important part in preparing to write a report, essay, or presentation
a very important tool in writing your speech because it forces you to organize, it makes the speech flow smoothly, it makes it easier to tackle the topic, it reduces the possibility of confusion, it allows for routine practice, and it reduces stress
a visual and conceptual list of your ideas and their place in the article
a way to show the shape of ideas in an essay
Indicate the main features of a topic or sequence of events, possibly setting them within a clear structure or framework to show how they interrelate.
Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of
A point form or list of short sentences that describe the action or major ideas in a written work.
The first step in writing a big paper. It is done to organize thoughts and ideas so your paper is clearly written.
A list of the major and minor topics included in a presentation.
a plan giving the main points, but not the details; a preliminary outline gives direction just by jotting down ideas on the topic; but this outline may be improved at any stage of the composition by classifying ideas, adding subheads to major headings, changing subheads, perhaps dropping some headings entirely during the process. return
Used for both a book proposal and the actual writing and structuring of a book, an outline is a hierarchical listing of topics that provides the writer (and the proposal reader) with an overview of the ideas in a book in the order in which they are to be presented.
A type of format for showing the relationships of major and minor ideas; an informal or formal way to organize your ideas in the planning stages of writing
The drawing done in a piecebook in preparation for doing the actual piece. Also called a sketch. Can also refer to the outline put on the wall and then filled, or the final outline done around the piece to finish it.