A short story that is used to make a point or that is interesting in itself.
Brief story used to grab attention, illustrate a point, support an argument, or elicit sympathy. eg. "It's just like that time I was on the bus and this crazy person got on singing."
short account of an incident (especially a biographical one)
a brief entertaining narrative or a tightly written, concise account of a personal experience unconnected to any larger narrative (a short, separate personal narrative)
a brief sequence captured in the field or arising from a brainstorming session
a brief story of an amusing, biological, or interesting incident
a brief story or narration of an event
a brief, unelaborated, often humorous account of a single incident, taken to be piquant in its own right, and as such it may be found almost anywhere
a device used in writing to help the reader come to a better understanding of the topic
a good way to open your editorial, so long as it furthers your topic and does not distract from it
a mere report, whereas a "story" requires inspiration and imagination
a narration of an incident, a true story
a narration of an incident or an experience, frequently personal, often used to illustrate or affirm a point
a narrative of an incident
a short account of a humorous incident, occasionally previously unpublished historical accounts
a short account of an interesting or humorous incident
a short conversational "story" that you might tell about something that happened to you, your friends or relatives
a short, entertaining account of an incident
a short narrative, a story of personal experience
a short, often humorous, story
a short story about the author or someone else
a story about individual experience, which typically has not been measured against baselines or checkpoints to assure objectivity
a story about something that really happened, often used to illustrate a larger point
a story, so "anecdotal story" is quite redundant
a story that illustrates a point
A brief story used in an essay to illustrate a point. example- "I remember there came into our neighborhood one of this class who was in search of a school to teach, and the question arose while he was there as to the shape of the earth and how he would teach the children concerning the subject. He explained his position in the matter by saying that he was prepared to teach that the earth was either flat or round, according to the preference of a majority of his patrons." Booker T. Washington Up From Slavery
a brief personal story used to illustrate a point
A short account of an entertaining or interesting incident.
indicates an informal narrative.
Anecdote is a brief account of a single incident.
is a brief account of a single incident. Argumentation
A short, usually humorous, story.
A brief account of some interesting event or incident.
a short narrative about an interesting, amusing, or curious incident, often biographical and based on a real event
A short story used to help illustrate a point.
A short story of some interesting or humorous incident.
a short story used to illustrate a point, often used by writers as a way of introducing their topic.
A short story about an incident or situation that shows rather than tells. It may be as simple as an explanation or example or as involved as the retelling of an incident complete with a sense of plot and dialogue.
An anecdote is a short tale narrating an interesting or amusing biographical incident. It may be as brief as the setting and provocation of a bon mot. An anecdote is always based on real life, an incident involving actual persons, whether famous or not, in real places.