Written document presenting the purpose and scope of the evaluation, the methods to be used, the standard against which performance is to be assessed or analyses are to be conducted, the resources and time allocated, and reporting requirements. Two other expressions sometimes used with the same meaning are ‘scope of work' and ‘evaluation mandate'.
The terms of reference outline the work to be carried out by the evaluator, the questions to be dealt with and the time schedule. They allow the sponsors of the evaluation to define their requirements and allow the evaluator to understand clearly what is expected of the work to be undertaken (including, often, the structure of the expected evaluation report). Clearly defined terms of reference are vitally important where an evaluation is to be conducted by an external expert, and can also be of tremendous use when it is to be performed in-house. See also evaluation project, evaluation report, evaluation sponsors, external evaluation, internal evaluation, organisational structure, work plan.
Terms of Reference define the tasks required of a contractor/consultant and indicate project/ programme background and objectives, planned àctivities, expected inputs and outputs, budget, timetables and job descriptions.
A document specifying how and why a project was undertaken, including the project goal, objectives, milestones, and the expected results. The document outlines responsibilities of various participants and is referred to during project monitoring. (see above)
Technical Version: a document specifying the scope and details of the activity to which it refers and any conditions relating to the appointment of a person(s) to undertake the activity (usually used in relation to the supply of professional services). For example, a study Terms of Reference should include: background to the study (what it involves, why it is needed); what exactly is to be studied (may also specify how it is to be done - e.g. surveys, workshops, literature review); may specify the price for the study and conditions such as inclusion or exclusion of additional expenses by the selected consultant. Plain English Version: a document telling a consultant what to do, by when, how, and how much you will pay them for doing it.
The terms of reference define the work and the schedule that must be carried out by the evaluation team. It normally specifies the scope of an evaluation, states the main motives and the questions asked. It sums up available knowledge and outlines an evaluation method - although offering scope for innovation by proposers. It describes the distribution of the work and responsibilities among the people participating in an evaluation process. It fixes the schedule and, if possible, the budget. It specifies the qualifications required from candidate teams as well as the criteria to be used to select an evaluation team. Related Terms: Job Description, Mandate BACK
a specification of a team member's responsibilities and authorities within the project.
A brief high-level description of the objectives and overall scope of a scrutiny, written for disclosure to persons or bodies likely to be asked to give evidence and any other interested third party. There will normally also be more detailed planning documentation(e.g. the Proposal) intended only for internal use.
Written document presenting the purpose and scope of an assignment, the methods to be used, the resources and time allocated, and reporting requirements (DAC).
Definition of the work and the schedule that must be carried out by the evaluation team. It recalls the background and specifies the scope of the evaluation, states the main motives for an evaluation and the questions asked. It sums up available knowledge and outlines an evaluation method and describes the distribution of work, schedule and the responsibilities among the people participating in an evaluation process. It specifies the qualifications required from candidate teams or individuals as well as the criteria to be used to select an evaluation team.
A document that describes the purpose of a project, the manner in which it will be structured and how it will be implemented.
The focus and boundaries of a contract research project, including a statement about who the research is for, the research objective, major issues and questions, and sometimes the schedule and available resources.
A Terms Of Reference is a document which describes the purpose and structure of a project. Otherwise known as a TOR or a Project Charter, the "Terms of Reference" is created during the Initiation Phase of the Project Management Life Cycle.