A document that spells out the requirements for a particular material or group of materials. It normally details the physical properties, performance requirements, general composition, sampling procedure and packaging characteristics.
The precise written detail of the building contract which accompanies the building plans. Normally includes all requirements of the general contractor and subcontractors to furnish and install the specified materials and equipment using prescribed method and workmanship.
The part of a patent application that contains the description, drawings and claims.(FR:Spécification)
A precise statement of a set of requirements, to be satisfied by a material, product, system or service. It is desirable that the requirements, together with their limits, should be expressed numerically in appropriate units.
Expectations or requirements for a process output or deliverable--a product or service.
A detailed explanation of what the client requires from a contractor
(IEEE) A document that specifies, in a complete, precise, verifiable manner, the requirements, design, behavior,or other characteristics of a system or component, and often, the procedures for determining whether these provisions have been satisfied. Contrast with requirement. See: specification, formal; specification, requirements; specification, functional; specification, performance; specification, interface; specification, design; coding standards; design standards
The document that describes in detail the requirements with which a product or service has to comply.
a concise statement of requirements to be satisfied for materiel, a product or service, including the identification of test methods or the procedures which will determine whether the requirements have been met.
A document that states the requirements to which a given product or service must conform.
A specification contains the functional, performance and verification requirements of a system as well as a description of interfaces and constraints.
Document that prescribes requirements to be fulfilled by a product, process, or service.
The detailed descriptions of electrical equipment to be provided for an application.
detailed description of an interface to a computer program or set of subroutines allowing another programmer to develop a program that would make proper use of subroutines.
A specification a description of what a program should do; this can be informal or formal. Informal specifications are usually in English, and formal specifications are expressed in a formal specification language. Specification design occurs before the program is written. P specification checker Specification checkers work on a high-level specification language. The specification language usually has two components: statements that describe what the system will do, and assertions that describe the states the system should be in at a given point. The tool then attempts to show that if the system acts as described, then the assertions will in fact hold.
A description of an Integration Server service's inputs and outputs.
A description of what the purchaser requires, a.k.a "specs".
A document intended primarily for use in procurement, which clearly and accurately describes the essential and technical requirements for items, materials, or services, including the procedures by ...
A definitive document detailing all works required.
A specification is a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work. However, within the context of Web standards, we mean the specifications as put forward by standards bodies that tell us exactly the way HTML, XHTML, CSS and other languages should be coded.
A description of the content, assessment arrangements and the requirements for a qualification.
(patent law) a document drawn up by the applicant for a patent of invention that provides an explicit and detailed description of the nature and usse of an invention
a clear and accurate description of the technical requirements for a material, product or service including the procedure to be used in determining whether the requirements have been met
a clear, unambiguous, comprehensive statement that describes a purchase requirement in full
a concise and accurate description of the requirements for a product or service, including the procedure by which it can be determined that the requirements have been met
a concise statement explaining the type of product or service, the quality level, special requirements in design, performance, delivery and usage
a customer input that gives detailed instruction on a design characteristic such as size, weight, color, shape, look or feel in an attempt to define the solution
a description of behaviour
a description of the physical and/or functional characteristics and the requirements to be satisfied by a product or service and the procedure to determine whether the requirements are satisfied
a description of the syntax and semantics of a model element
a detailed description as to how to produce something or how to perform a particular task
a detailed description of the action or lack thereof that constitutes the violation
a detailed description of the product being purchased
a document that describes all the details of a technology
a formalisation of a given set of requirements that tries very hard to be a roadmap for developing a specific program
a listing of specific, measurable, behavioral system constraints that satisfy system requirements
an explicit, and preferably concise, design result that is complete in scope and adequately detailed
a plain, concise, and definite statement of the essential facts constituting the offense charged
a precise statement specifying materials, dimensions, quality of work, and other details
a public document and all data acquisition companies will be encouraged to conform
a statement or document containing a description such as the terms of a contract or details of an object or objects not shown on a blue print or drawing (fig
a written description of an invention and the manner and process of making and using it
a written description, often including figures, of subject matter sought to be patented, such as an invention
a written description that describes a system, system component, approach, or protocol
a written document describing in detail the scope of work, materials to be used, method of installation and quality of workmanship for a parcel of work to be placed under contract
A detailed and precise description of functionality, methodology and practice.
Written lists, instructions and general information that relate to the construction and make up a part of the total contract.
is a part of the patent application. It includes a detailed description of the invention and claims specifying the aspects of the invention for which protection is sought.
A written document that accompanies the working drawings, which sets forth standards for the materials used in the construction of buildings. It also covers all conditions relating to that construction or type of construction.
The description, drawings and claims of an invention prepared to support a patent application. The term does not imply that the invention is necessarily new or was ever protected.
Abstract description of an object, in terms of its external behaviour; expressed by the type signatures and axioms of its methods (contrasts with implementation).
That part of the patent which describes the invention in sufficient detail so that someone knowledgeable in the art could practice it. It is the main part of the patent. The term does not imply that the invention is necessarily new or was ever protected. This includes the description, drawings and claims of an invention prepared to support a patent application.
A complete, precise description of the verifiable properties required of a work product.
The Application Modeling activity that analyzes customer needs to produce an application model. The Application Model expresses requirements and engineering decisions that describe a system intended to satisfy those needs.
A document which describes changes to control facilities required to bring an existing control system in line with Best Practice.
A document prepared to support acquisition that describes the essential technical requirements for purchased materiel and the criteria for determining whether those requirements are met.
A component of a patent application which generally includes the abstract, written description, background, summary and alternative embodiments of the invention. A provisional patent application is only required to include the written description portion of the specification.
The specification is the term used to cover the description, drawings and claims contained in a patent application.
An explicit statement of the required characteristics for an input used in the healthcare system. The requirements are usually related to supplies, equipment, and physical structures used in the delivery of health services.
Written requirements for a construction project; contains but is not limited to the following: the scope of work, methods of construction and materials.
A description of what the purchaser requires and what a bidder or proposer must offer.
A description, in any suitable form, of requirement
The part of the patent application that precedes the claims and in which the inventor specifies, describes, illustrates, and discloses the invention in detail.
an organised, detailed description of the criteria for construction, appearance, performance and so on, in relation to some projected work or construction
Any requirement with which a product, process, service, or other activity must conform. [From §820.3(y)
A document that defines the requirements that a finished product must conform to - may include chemical and mechanical properties, tolerances, marking, shipping, etc.
Details of the computer components, such as hard drive, memory and CD-ROM drives, giving size, speed, make and model.
An explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, system, or service, such as construction. It also identifies the methods for determining whether each of the requirements is satisfied.
Part of the patent application. It includes a detailed description of the invention, claims specifying the aspects of the invention for which protection is sought, and the extent of the protection being sought
A detailed description of how something should be made and what it should contain.
Documented detailed requirements with which a product or service has to comply.
Complete and precisely written description of features of a printing job, such as type size and leading, paper grade and quantity, printing quality or binding method. Abbreviated specs. Specifications typically include the following: Type Specs: Define typeface, size, line measure, indentations, headlines, and other features of typography. Printing Specs: Concentrate on press work, such as quantities, ink colors and dot gains, but often include pre-press, paper and finishing. Finishing Specs: Tell folding requirements and trim size.
The engineering requirement for judging acceptability of a particular characteristic. A specification is never to be confused with a control limit.
A concise statement of a set of requirements to be satisfied by a product, material or process that indicates whenever appropriate the procedures to determine whether the requirements are satisfied. As far as practicable, it is desirable that the requirements are expressed numerically in terms of appropriate units, together with their limits. A specification may be a standard, a part of a standard, or independent of a standard.
A document that prescribes, in a complete, precise, verifiable manner, the requirements, design, behavior, or other characteristics of a system or system component. See also design specification, formal specification, functional specification, interface specification, performance specification, requirements specification. The process of developing a specification.
A concise statement of a set of requirements to be satisfied by the goods, services, or construction which the County wishes to acquire. A specification must indicate, whenever appropriate, the procedure by which requirements are determined to be satisfied. As far as practicable, it is desirable that the requirements be expressed in numerical or other objective terms, together with their ranges or limits. A specification may be a standard, a part of a standard, or independent of a standard. It may also be expressed as an end result. Specifications should be contained in solicitations as well as contracts. Specifications should not be overly restrictive or prejudicial to competition beyond that justified by minimum valid requirements of the County.
A description of the interface provided by a subprogram, package, task or protected record. The implementation details are hidden in the corresponding body.
a detailed description of what the product has to do; look like; and be made from
A document that explicitly states essential technical attributes/requirements for product and procedures to determine that the product's performance meets its requirements/attributes.
A document used in development and procurement which describes the technical requirements for items, materials, and services including the procedures by which it will be determined that the requirements have been met. Specifications may be unique to a specific program (program-peculiar) or they may be common to several applications (general in nature).
The formal description in objective and measurable terms of the characteristics of the goods or services required.
A statement which clearly and accurately describes the essential requirements for goods, products or services. Specification may also include the procedures by which it will be determined that the requirements have been met.
Detailed instructions explaining each phase of work to be done.
Written description of work usually accompanying a detailed drawing, particularly information that may not be easily shown on the drawing, for example type of kitchen bench material, fittings and method of waterproofing the kitchen sink.
A written schedule of works required for a particular project (by a curator, planning archaeologist or client), set out in sufficient detail to be quantified, costed, implemented and monitored. Normally prepared by or agreed with the relevant curator.
The most highly perfected naming behavior. Best exhibited in modern science. Requires freedom from the defectively realistic application of the form of syllogism commonly known as Aristotelian.
The document that prescribes the requirements with which the product or service has to conform. (ISO 8402: 1986, 3.22)
A set of instructions detailing the plan for coating of a project; a list of criteria for a coating.
A statement of requirements for a given job or project. Usually describes products, materials, and processes to be used. A specification may also contain terms of the contract.
A declarative description of what something is or does. Contrast: implementation.
A document stating requirements.
Precise written statement describing exact product desired by blend, grind, packaging type, volume, delivery schedules, equipment, equipment service requirements, and payment terms.
The description in a fire insurance policy of the property insured.
An approved, quantitative value and the document that prescribes the requirements to which a device, component, production or servicing activity, or quality system must conform.
a written document that details the technical requirements for a particular imaging or micrographics project
A description of a problem or subject that will be implemented in a computer or other system. The specification includes both the description of the subject and aspects of the implementation that affect its representation. Also, the process of analysis and design that result in a description of a problem or subject which can be implemented in a computer or other system.
Any description of the physical, functional, or performance characteristics, or of the nature of a supply or service. A specification includes, as appropriate, requirements for inspecting, testing or preparing a supply or service item for delivery.
A legal remedy by which a court of law can order a contract to be performed as agreed to by the parties to the contract. Such remedy is available when the subject of the contract is a unique good. Since by definition all real estate is considered unique, the remedy of specific performance is available to both the purchaser and seller of real estate in case one of the parties attempts to default on the contract. The term is also used to denote written instructions and information made available to the contractor of a building detailing the type of construction, material to be used, and details as to building design, etc.
A statement of a set of Metal Building System requirements describing the loading conditions, design practices, materials and finishes.
Detailed written instructions which, when clear and concise, explain each phase of work to be done.
the form on which details of large risks are set out and appended to the policy.
Document which prescribes the requirements to which the product or service must conform to. Customer's expectation for product or service deliverable/output. Parameters by which an output can be verified.
A detailed description of the features and performance characteristics of a product. For example, a laptop computer's specification may read as a 90 megahertz Pentium, with 16 megabytes of ram and 720 megabytes of hard disk space, 3.5 hours of battery life, weighing 4.5 pounds, with an active matrix 256 color screen.
The specification describes the invention itself. A specification must include a brief summary of the invention, its background, a description of the related art, the advantages of the invention and the claims. The point of the specification is to describe the invention in sufficient detail that another person may reduce it to practice without performing any further experimentation.
A detailed and exact description of design criteria, defining materials, dimensions, and quality of work for something to be manufactured or installed.
A specification details what is required to either achieve an objective or what a product is that has to be achieved.
In patent law, the narrative portion of a patent application, which includes descriptions of the purpose, structure and operation of the invention, as well as a discussion of any relevant prior art. Essentially, the specification must provide enough information about the invention so that a person proficient in the area of expertise involved in the invention could build and operate it without having to be overly creative.
A comprehensive written description of a structure, which details all aspects including, materials, equipment, plant structure, quantities, finishes and workmanship.
A description of each procurement item, in sufficient detail to allow the Suppliers to determine if they are capable of providing the item, and to produce cost estimates. Also known as a Statement of Work.
A clear, complete and accurate description of a material, item or service to be purchased on a Requisition for Purchase Order.