a blanket answer to questions of guilt or innocence
a division of EMSL Analytical, Inc
a forensic tool but early DNA scanning is possible and population scanning will advance further
a giant leap forward - not only in quickly uncovering the truth of the matter, but in saving some other poor innocent souls from death row for good measure
a highly-accurate method for proving biological relationships
a legitimate tool that can
a modern day tool that in no small measure has assisted in establishing paternity and also serves as legal evidence in criminal cases
a more recent aid to finding your ancestors that may prove valuable
an effective comparative identification tool
an essential tool for criminal investigations
a new additional genealogical tool
a new tool that can help guide the development of very personalized preventive medical strategies
an extremely powerful tool in the
an important tool for detecting prostate cancer, it is not foolproof
an important tool that police will use, he said
an indispensible tool for positional cloning a technique by which a previously unknown gene is identified by finding associations or links between DNA markers and the inheritance of a disease
an intelligent tool provided safeguards are in place
a powerful new crime-solving tool
a powerful tool for convicting the guilty , it is similarly powerful for exonerating the innocent
a powerful tool for identifying a match or excluding any genetic relationship
a powerful tool for law enforcement
a powerful tool to be used in conjunction with Family History research
a promising tool for colorectal cancer screening
a statement that there was none, which was listed as a basis for the allegation that the petitioner's conviction was invalid
a tool, and how that tool is used in a criminal trial may depend upon what you are trying to prove
a tool for everyone, some genealogists say it might specifically benefit African Americans, whose ancestors were sold into slavery and routinely stripped of cultural and linguistic heritage
a tool that can help in pointing the research in the right direction, and may, or may not, be helpful in one's search
a tool to be used with your family history research
a tool we now have that lets us confirm the relationships we record are accurate
a tool which helps genealogists determine more about the true connections between various families and places
a useful human identification tool
a useful tool in the hands of family historians
The process of validating that a system meets pre-specified usability objectives. These objectives should be task-based, and should tie directly to product requirements, including results from analytic tools such as personas, scenarios, and task analysis. Testing may validate a number of objective and subjective characteristics, including task completion, time on task, error rates, and user satisfaction. Testing may be formal or informal, may be local (with testers physically present at same location as users) or remote, and may result in qualitative or quantitative data. Testing may occur at any point in the development cycle, from early analysis through product delivery and beyond. Testing may be based on paper designs, models, or display mock-ups, as well as on products in development and completed products.