Data element changes submitted to the PPS Edit and Update process.
One or more changes to a database which have been completed, and can either be committed or rolled back together. See also: database commit rollback
an exchange event from one object to another. A transaction always has some form of action associated with it. For output reporting, "request," "display," "print," "extract," "search," etc. are common transactions. For input, "new," "add," "change," "delete," "update," "charge," "credit," "debit," "deposit," etc. are typical transactions. (See Batch, Interactive, and Processing Method).
an atomic action which is some computation that changes or reads the state of one or more data objects and appears to take place indivisibly.[2
The record of each piece of business performed. A transaction file for a day would be used to update the master file.
An exchange between a workstation and a program, two workstations, or two programs that accomplish a particular action or result. An example is the entry of a customer's deposit and the update of the customer's balance. Synonym for unit of work.
(1) In a CICS program, an event that queries or modifies a database that resides on a CICS server. (2) In the Persistence Builder, a representation of a path of code execution. (3) The code activity necessary to manipulate a persistent object. For example, a bank application might have a transaction that updates a company account.
A unit of work that is done as an atomic operation - that is, the operation succeeds or fails as a whole. .
A database transaction is a series of SQL statements that must either be completed as a unit, or not completed at all. At the end of the series, you commit the transaction in order to save the changes to the database. If there is an error, you can roll back the statements in order to return the database to its original state. transaction manager transaction is a series of transaction manager commands that are completed together. A transaction manager transaction, which generally starts on screen entry, can contain several database transactions.
This is (1) a complete group of steps that are treated as a single activity that has the intent of bringing about a desired result, or (2) an entry in a database.
In CICS, a term used to describe a unit of work, initiated with a transaction identifier, and consisting of one or more programs which provide a defined application, utility or systems management function.
An atomic unit of one or more SQL statements of which all or none are successfully executed.
a logical unit of work, comprising one or many commands sent to the database engine. A transaction is an atomic action: it's either finished completely or it is abandoned completely and all its changes are discarded.
A set of configuration changes that succeed or fail as a group, rather than individually. Transactions are used internally to maintain consistent configurations.
Updates to the file system structure that are grouped together to ensure they are all completed
An atomic unit of work which must either be completed or entirely rolled back.
A group of database actions that are performed together; all the actions succeed, or all fail.
A logical unit of work. Consumers use transactions to define units of work with atomicity, concurrency, isolation, and durability properties within a provider. You can use transactions to specify isolation levels, which enables more flexible access to data among concurrent consumers.
A set of database statements that represents a logical unit of work or function. A database transaction starts when the first SQL statement is submitted and ends when the COMMIT or ROLLBACK has occurred. Performance measurements often use the number of transactions per second as the performance metric.
A sequence of SQL statements treated as a single unit.
One set of connected operations on the database (e.g. access, add, modify).
A group of processing activities that are either entirely completed, or if not completed, that leave the database and processing system in the same state as before the transaction started.
A transaction is a group of SQL statements whose effects are logically connected. Anything from simple queries to inserting, and deleting operations can be considered a transaction, as well as more complex groups of several statements which accomplish a specific task.
A set of action performed as part of one sequence. In the instance of a guest check, each action performed to alter the check from the point at which the check is begun, to the point at which it is service totaled or tendered.
For most interactive work (e.g. IMS, CICS, DDF) each logical transaction results in one SMF 101 record. PerfMan for DB2 considers each SMF 101 record to be a transaction for tread groups.
(1) A command, message, or input record that explicitly or implicitly calls for a processing action, such as updating a file. (2) An exchange between and end user and an interactive system. (3) In a database management system, a unit of processing activity that accomplishes a specific purpose such as a retrieval, an update, a modification, or a deletion of one or more data elements of a storage structure.
An atomic unit of work that modifies data. A transaction encloses one or more program statements, all of which either complete or roll back. Transactions enable multiple users to access the same data concurrently.
A set of database commands that succeed or fail as a group. All the commands involved must succeed for the entire transaction to succeed.
A sequence of SQL statements that comprise a logical unit of work. A transaction is processed in its entirety or not at all. Adaptive Server Anywhere supports transaction processing, with locking features built in to allow concurrent transactions to access the database without corrupting the data. Transactions end either with a COMMIT statement, which makes the changes to the data permanent, or a ROLLBACK statement, which undoes all the changes made during the transaction.
A unit of work in a database that can include zero, one, or many operations (including insert, update, and delete operations), and that is either applied or rejected as a whole. Each SQL statement that modifies data can be treated as a separate transaction, if the database is so configured. See also SQL.
A logical unit of work that exhibits the ACID properties: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.
A transaction is a set of operations on shared resources - databases, queues, files, messages, shared objects - that appear to the user as one indivisible activity.
A set of trove updates that maintains system consistency, including any dependencies.
Transaction is a feature of the architecture that supports the coordination of results or operations on state in a multi-step interaction. The fundamental characteristic of a transaction is the ability to join multiple actions into the same unit of work, such that the actions either succeed or fail as a unit.
A transaction is a unit of work that an Objectivity/DB application can apply to a database. It contains one or more logically related operations that create, access, or modify persistent objects. Every interaction with persistent objects must occur within a transaction.
A logical update that takes a database from one consistent state to another.
A sequence of JDBC/SQL calls within a single connection that constitute an atomic unit of work, that provide atomicity, consistency, integrity of data, and durability of database changes. In Cloudscape, transactions are handled entirely by JDBC calls.
an identified set of operations or transactions, which, when executed alone, constitutes an indivisible operation that transforms one consistent state of the OMS into a new consistent state. Either the whole set is applied (commit) or none of it (abort).
(1)a group of SQL commands whose result will be made visible to the rest of the system as a unit when the transaction commits--or not at all, if the transaction aborts.(2)the execution of a program that performs an administrative function by accessing a shared database.
A logical unit of work that comprises one or more SQL statements executed by a single user. According to the ANSI/ISO SQL standard, with which ORACLE is compatible, a transaction begins with the user's first executable SQL statement. A transaction ends when it is explicitly committed or rolled back by the user.
(1) A series of programmed tasks within an application that accomplishes a particular result, often to satisfy a user request. Example: A single CICS transaction might entail dispensing $40 from an ATM and updating the customers account balance. (2) In processing terms, the work that occurs between the beginning of a unit of work and commit or rollback. A transaction defines the set of operations that is part of an integral set for which consistency must be maintained.
A group of database commands that are performed in sequence and are treated as a single atomic event.
A sequence of actions that must occur as a single unit.
A logical unit of work that consists of one or more SQL statements. A transaction begins with a user's first executable SQL statement and ends when the transaction is explicitly committed or rolled back. Transactions appear at the level below Business Unit in the workload hierarchy. See also Application, Business Unit, and Request.
For Message Queuing, the pairing of two or more actions that are performed together as a single action; the action succeeds or fails as a whole. Using Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) ensures that either both actions succeed or neither is executed. See also: Message Queuing; Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC); transaction dead-letter queue; transactional message
An inseparable list of database operations which must be executed either in its entirety or not at all. Transactions maintain data integrity and guarantee that the database will always be in a consistent state. Transactions should either end with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. If it ends with a COMMIT statement, all the changes made to the database are made permanent. If the transaction fails, or ends with a ROLLBACK, none of the statements takes effect. Also see LUW.
A single unit of work in which all parties must agree that the work should and can be done.
A logical unit of work performed on a database. A transaction can be terminated by either making permanent or rolling back all updates.
A transaction usually means a sequence of information exchange and related work (such as database updating) that is treated as a unit for the purposes of satisfying a request and for ensuring database integrity. An example of a typical transaction might be the purchasing of a ticket.