Variation of a basic chart type. Back to the top
Based on difference in Hemagglutinin & Neuraminidase proteins; for influenza A there are several different subtypes; for influenza B there is only one subtype 77.
a class that shares all the properties of its parent, supertype, or the class it is derived from
an alias for another already defined datatype
a new type based on a parent type but usually with a more restricted range
a special case of its parent type, not a totally different kind of thing
a subdivision of creature type
a subset of a previously defined type
a thing which is different from other things of the same general kind
a type that extends another type's interface
a type that is a child of another type
a type together with an associated constraint
a type whose members lie in a particular domain and satisfy a particular property
a type with a restriction
A two- or three-letter code. For example, saying that a person is identified with the RI subtype means that the person resembles the R type most, followed by the I type.
A subtype is a type together with a constraint, which constrains the values of the subtype to satisfy a certain condition. The values of a subtype are a subset of the values of its type. (39)
Context A term in ontology. Definition A subtype B of another type A is either:"A" itself (i.e., A is always a subtype of itself), or a type that is lower in the type hierarchy than A, and there is a path of "subtype-links" upwards from B to A. Example For example, "Animal" is a subtype of "Animal". In addition, "Mammal" is a subtype of "Animal", and "Elephant" is a subtype of "Mammal" (and of "Animal", since there is a path of links upwards from Elephant to Animal). This can be illustrated as follows: "Simple lattice of types" Absurdity The one type which is a subtype of everything else is Absurdity.
A subtype of a type characterizes a subset of the values of the type. The subset is determined by a constraint on the type. Each value in the set of values of a subtype belongs to the subtype and satisfies the constraint determining the subtype.
If type X extends or implements type Y, then X is a subtype of Y. See also supertype.
type together with a constraint which possibly restricts the allowed range of values. Strictly speaking, all types in Ada are actually subtypes of anonymous unconstrained types.
A subset of the membership of a Category Entity.
An attribute with one or more options, in contrast to that same attribute without the options. For example, a commonName ( cn) attribute with American English as an option is a subtype of the commonName ( cn) attribute without that option. Conversely, the commonName ( cn) attribute without an option is the supertype of the same attribute with an option.
In a generalization relationship the specialization of another type, the supertype. See: generalization. Contrast: supertype.
LDAPv3 defines a number of subtypes at this time two have been defined binary (in RFC 2251) and lang (in RFC 2596). subtypes may be used when referencing an attribute and qualify e.g. cn;lang-en-us=smith would perform a search using US english. The subtype does not affect the encoding since UTF-8 (used for cn) allows for all language types. lang subtypes are case insensitive.
The data type that inherits the properties in an inheritance relationship between named row data types. The number of fields in a subtype is always greater than or equal to the number of fields in its supertype.
"A proper subtype is one of its parent types, more specifically a specialization of that type."
In computer science, a subtype is a datatype that is generally related to another datatype (the supertype) by some notion of substitutability, meaning that computer programs written to operate on elements of the supertype can also operate on elements of the subtype. More specifically, the supertype-subtype relation is often taken to be the one defined by the Liskov substitution principle; however, any given programming language may define its own notion of subtyping, or none at all.