The evolutionary history of an animal.
The historical relationships among entities. Differs from a cladogram in that the branches are drawn proportional to the amount of inferred character change.
Evolutionary history of an organism or taxonomic group, e.g., species. Cf . Ontogeny ( BCFT ).
Evolutionary history; the history of descent with modification, whether in general or a particular part thereof. The term is also sometimes used for a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships (as in the term reference phylogeny).
the evolution of a genetically related group of organisms.
A classification scheme that indicates the evolutionary relationships between organisms.
A term used by anthropologists to refer to the development of a species. See also "ontogeny."
The evolutionary history of a group of taxa or genes and their ancestors.
The evolutionary relationships of a genetically similar group of organisms.
n. (Gr. phyle, tribe; E. genesis) the racial history or evolutionary development of any plant or animal species.
(fy loj´ e nee) [Gr. phylon: tribe, race + genesis: source] • The evolutionary history of a particular group of organisms; also, the diagram of the "family tree" that shows genetic linkages between ancestors and descendants.
the history of the race or group or clade or even kingdom (Jantsch for example speaks of the "phylogeny of matter") as opposed to the individual ( ontogeny). Phylogeny involves evolutionary ancestry and descent through time.
Origin and ancestral succession constituting the evolutionary descent of a species, or class of species. It traces origins and transformations by identifying Homologies
a "family tree" of organisms. Phylogenies show how organisms are related to each other. They can be generated using many different kinds of data, including DNA sequences and morphological characteristics.
a best approximation of the correct, historical tree using a given phylogenetic method
a diagram (a phylogenetic tree or cladogram) that depicts the evolutionary relationships among organisms
a family tree of sorts, but at a species (or higher taxa) level
a genealogy above the individual (populations, species, genera, phyla)
a history and a possible classification, hence a concept, an "invention" (hopefully a scientifically useful one)
a pattern of common ancestry reflecting this evolutionary process
a representation of organisms based on and describing evolutionary relationships
a tree representing the evolutionary relationships between a set of species
a tree that relates taxonomic units, based on their similarities over a set of characters
The 'pedigree' of a species - the branches of the ancestral tree of species from which the current species derives. A related species is derived from a common ancestor. There are two kinds of phylogenies - branching, or divergent, phylogenies, and merging, or reticulate, phylogenies. Hybridisation of two species is a case of reticulation if the result is a viable and reproductively persistent form.
A classification or relationship based on the closeness of evolutionary descent.
The inferred lines of descent from a common ancestor.The etymology of the word is interesting: phylo- means "tribe" or "clan"; -geny means "origins".
Organism relationships.........].
The ordering of species into higher taxa and the construction of evolutionary trees based on evolutionary (natural) relationships.
Species arranged on a family tree. Phylogeny describes how species are related. The goa of taxonomy is to classify species by their evolutionary relationships.
The sequence in branchings of the evolutionary tree is the phylogeny of the group under discussion. See monophyletic, paraphyletic, and holophyltic groups.
(Paleoanthropology) Genealogical of descent relationships among groups of taxa.
Evolutionary history; genealogy of species.
1) the study of evolutionary relationships within a monophyletic group. 2) evolutionary hypotheses represented as a dendrogram or branching diagram. PICTURE 1 | PICTURE 2
the evolutionary history of a particular taxonomic group.
The evolutionary history of a species.
Ordering of biological species based on their evolutionary relationships.
The unique historical relationship (resulting from evolution) among terminal taxa, represented as a tree (cf. cladogram).
the evolutionary development of a plant group, i.e. its derivation from its ancestors and the relationship among its members. adj. phylogenetic.
the history of the human species from biological origin to today.
The evolutionary history of an organism or group of organisms; often represented in chart form as a phylogenetic ¡°tree¡±.
In biology, the evolutionary development of a species or other group of organisms through a succession of forms. This can also refer to the evolutionary development of a particular feature of any organism. Compare to ontogeny. See also Biogenetic Law.
the evolutionary relationships among organisms; the "family tree" of organisms as they evolve through geological time, the pattern of lineage branching produced by the evolutionary history of the organisms considered
The evolutionary history of a group of organisms. The sign and evolution of higher taka; phylogenesis.
A genealogy of species; the history of descent of taxa from common ancestors, including the relative times at which species branched or diverged from each other.
The genealogical history and evolutionary development of a species or higher taxon.
evolutionary relationship of species.
(Phylogénie) The study of the evolutionary origins of a group of living beings, established by diverse methods and based on anatomy, paleontology, bloodlines and, more recently, by comparing molecular DNA structures, by which the degree of genetic parentage of two lines of descent can be determined with absolute certainty.(Translated from Ramade, F. Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement. Second edition. Dunot, Paris. 2002.)
The evolutionary development of a taxonomic group.
an evolutionary pedigree, or family tree
evolutionary relationship between organisms
genealogy of species; the pattern of ancestry and descent of species in evolution.
an hypothesis of evolutionary relationships among organisms; the pattern of lineage branching produced by the evolutionary history of the organisms considered
a branching diagram that shows the ancestral relations among species.
an organisms evolutionary history. See also genealogy.
The study of ancestral relations among species, often illustrated with a "tree of life" branching diagram, which is also known as a phylogenetic tree.