A group that contains all the organisms that are descended from a common evolutionary ancestor.
A group of organisms with the same taxonomic title (say, genus, family, phylum etc.) that are shown phylogenetically to share a common ancestor that is exclusive to these organisms.
a clade , comprising an ancestral form and all of its descendants, and so forming one (and only one) e
a group of taxa (species, genera, families, etc
A group of organisms with a single common ancestor. Compare with holophyletic and paraphyletic groups.
(Paleoanthropology) A synonym for a clade.
Set of species containing a common ancestor and all its descendants.
A group of organisms descended from a common ancestor. For example: your immediate family may be considered such a group, being descended from a common ancestral group (grandparents, etc.).
A group of organisms consisting of a common ancestor and all its descendants.