The ancestors of a chain letter are its parents, parents of the parents, parents of . . .etc.
An entity from which another entity is descended.
a person from whom you descend;grandparents, great-grandparents, 2nd great-grandparents (also called great great- grandparents), 3rd great-grandparents, etc.;direct-line ancestor; forefather; forebear.
the original program(s) (parents) that contributes its code (gene) to the new program generated (child).
one from whom an individual is descended; First Humans
one from whom a person is descended; forerunner.
A class or parent that contributes (via inheritance) to the definition of an object. For class-based hierarchies, the ancestors of an object are its class(es) and all the superclasses of its class(es). For prototype-based hierarchies, the ancestors of an object are its parent(s) and the ancestors of its parent(s).
A procedure that calls the given procedure, either directly or through another procedure or procedures. Contrast with parent.
A group of organisms from which other groups are descended.
someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)
an element that contains another element or a hierarchy of other elements
a parent Parenting comprises all the tasks involved in raising a child to an independent adult
a person from whom you are descended - parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents and so on
a relative from long ago, like your Great, Great Grandma
a subfolder that /// is beneath the root folder in the namespace hierarchy
A class whose definition is inherited by a descendant.
a person from whom one is descended, especially anyone earlier in a family line than a grandparent.
One from whom a person is descended, whether through father or mother. Also can mean one from whom an estate has descended.
someone from an earlier generation-for example, a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent.
A person from whom one is descended; forefather.
1. A tree data structure term that means some node in the succession of parent nodes on a path to the root. i.e., a node's parent and parent's parent are both ancestors of the node. 2. A reserved Lingo script property that can be used to establish inheritance.
Ancestors of a library unit are itself, its parent, its parent's parent, and so on. (Standard is an ancestor of every library unit).
A person from whom you directly descend e.g. grandparents, great-grandparents, great great- grandparents and so on.
One who sits above someone on his or her family tree eg: a parent or grandparent.
A person from whom you are descended in a direct line
The creature used to initialize the population in an avida run.
a person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent; a forebear
A person from whom you are descended; a forefather
An ancestor of a segment is a segment that refers, either directly or indirectly, to a given segment. If segment 1 contains a call_segment element referencing segment 2, and segment 2 contains a call_segment element referencing segment 3, both segments 1 and 2 would be ancestors of segment 3. Segment 2 would also be the parent segment of segment 3. Compare descendant.
A value at any level higher than a given value in a hierarchy. For example, in a Time dimension, the value 1999 might be the ancestor of the values Q1-99 and Jan-99. See Also: hierarchy and level
a person you have descended from.
Any person from whom another person is directly descended, for example, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and so on.
a person from whom a person descends; such as a mother, father, grandparent, etc. Ancestors came before you.
A member of your family who lived a long time ago, usually before your grandparents.
An ancestor node of any node A is any node above A in a tree model of a document, where "above" means "toward the root."
one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparent.
In a rooted tree, a vertex on the path from the root to the vertex. Vertex v is an ancestor of vertex w if and only if w is a descendant of v.
A value at any level higher than a given value in a hierarchy. For example, in a Time dimension, the value 2002 might be the ancestor of the values Q1-02 and Jan-02. In a dimension hierarchy, the data value of the ancestor is the aggregated value of the data values of its descendants. Contrast with descendant. See also hierarchy, level, parent.
Any organism, population, or species from which some other organism, population, or species is descended by reproduction.
An ancestor of a replicator L is (1) a parent of L, or (2) a parent of an ancestor.
Person from whom another person is descended, for example, a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent
An ancestor is a parent or (recursively) the parent of an ancestor (i.e., a grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on).