An Ahnentafel is a list of the ancestors of a person, numbered in such a way that the starting person is number 1, the father 2, mother 3, paternal grandfather 4, paternal grandmother 5, maternal grandfather 6 and so on. The same numbering is usually used in pedigree charts, though pedigree charts are laid out differently.
ancestor table, tabulates the ancestry of one individual by generation in text rather than pedigree chart format. A comprehensive ahnentafel gives more than the individual's name, date and place of birth, christening,marriage, death and burial. It should give biographical and historical commentary for each person listed, as well as footnotes citing the source documents used to prove what is stated.
List or table of ancestors
an ancestor table. Text-based table of the ancestry of an individual.
a list of a person's ancestors in table form
A German wording meaning "ancestor table," this term is a way of numbering the ancestors of a given person. The initial person is given the number 1. The father is 2, the mother is 3. To find the father of any person, double that number. To find the mother, double the number, plus 1.
a chart in tabular form with the person at the top numbered 1, his father numbered 2, and his mother numbered 3. Grandparents are numbered 4,5,6 and 7, etc.
a table of one's ancestors, from the German Ahnen (ancestor) and Tafel (table or list).
The name is German for table of ancestors and is one of the standard reports found in many programs.
List of ancestors in numerical order
An Ahnentafel (or Ahnenreihe), also known as the Sosa-Stradonitz System, is a genealogical numbering system that allows one to list a person's ancestors in a particular order. It is a construct used in genealogy to display a person's ancestry compactly, without the need for a diagram such as a family tree, which is particularly useful in situations where one may be restricted to using plain text, for example in e-mails or newsgroup articles. The term Ahnentafel is a loan word from the German language, however its German equivalent is Ahnenliste.