the cusp of the seventh house of the astrology chart. this point is directly opposite the ascendant.
The point 180 deg. opposite the ascendant where the sun sets on the western horizon. It symbolizes our approach to relationships particularly one to one partnerships.
The point in a natal chart opposite to the Ascendant. See Horoscope Angles
In object-oriented programming, a class that is derived from another class. See also base class, derived class, inheritance. Generally, a process or task that is called by another process or task and whose characteristics and behavior are determined, at least in part, by the originating process or task. See also child process, child window.
one proceeding from an ancestor; descended from another, or common stock.
(topographic descendant) This term may be useful for discussing hierarchies of peaks. A peak is the topographic descendant of a given peak if it falls within the domain of the peak. It could be either a direct subpeak, or a subpeak of a subpeak, and so on. The term "subpeak" is reserved for the immediate descendant. (like "child"). For example, the east peak of Logan is a direct subpeak of Logan, but only a topographic descendant of Mount McKinley. It is not a subpeak of McKinley. See also Hierarchial name.
A person who is descended in a direct line from another (e.g., a child or a grandchild). "Descendant" is sometimes used interchangeably with "issue."
(noun) 1. Proceeding by descent from an ancestor. 2. An individual descended from another.
A procedure that is called by the given procedure, either directly or through other procedures. Contrast with child.
a person considered as descended from some ancestor or race
A class inherited from an ancestor.
Descendant means all of the decedent's descendants of all generations, with the relationship of parent and child at each generation.
A person who is an offspring, however remote. The children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and on are all descendants of each of the original parents.
The opposite point from the ascendant, located on the cusp of the Seventh House. This point explains the nature of our interactions with others.
One's offspring and following generations.
Any member in a branch below a parent. A descendant could be a child, a grand child, a great-grand child, or lower.
one who is descended from a specific ancestor. (Your ancestors are those in your direct line who came before you; your descendants are those in your direct line who will come after you, such as children, grandchildren, etc.)
A descendant of a segment is a segment that is referred to either directly or indirectly by that segment. If segment 1 contains a call_segment element referencing segment 2, and segment 2 contains a call_segment element referencing segment 3, both segments 2 and 3 would be descendants of segment 1. Segment 2 would also be a child segment of segment 1. Compare ancestor.
The descendant is the sun sign that is on the cusp of the 7th house.
Your descendants are your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on -- anyone to whom you are an ancestor.
Offspring. A person's child, grandchild and so on. Also called lineal descendant or issue.
The angle that is exactly across from the Ascendant. It is the cusp of the seventh house. Your descendant relates to your marriage and partnership and interaction with others.
The opposite point from the Ascendant: Cusp of the seventh house. It Describes a person's interaction with another.
A person who is a relative in a direct vertical line from another person - children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so forth.
One who is born of, or from children of, another is called that person's descendant. Grandchildren are descendants of their grandfather, as children are descendants of their natural parents. The law also distinguishes between collateral descendants and lineal descendants (which see).
(also, Lineal Descendant) The child, grandchild, great-grandchild, etc. of an individual.
The doorway into the seventh house in a person's chart. It is the area of marriage and business partnerships.
The opposite point from the ascendant; the cusp of the Seventh House. It describes one's interaction with another.
The Descendant is where the Western Horizon intersects the Ecliptic. It is opposite the Ascendant. In most house systems the Descendant forms the 7th House Cusp. In interpretation, it describes the people an individual attracts; the partner's character; the influence others have on self (determined by sign on cusp and/or any planets near cusp).
The cusp of the seventh house of the Natal Chart; the opposite point to the Ascendant.
The rightmost point in a chart wheel, opposite to the Ascendant, also known as the seventh house cusp. As with the other angles of a chart, the Descendant is a sensitive point. Transits or progressions over the Descendant can indicate major life events.
A dimension member at any level below a particular member in a hierarchy. The level immediately below is the child. Contrast with ancestor. See also aggregation, child, hierarchy, level.
The seventh house (or its cusp), governing marriage, partnership and open confrontation.
Person who is descended from another person, for example, a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild
Those person who are born of, or from children of, another are called that person's descendants. Grandchildren are descendants of their grandfather as children are descendants of their natural parents. The law also distinguishes between collateral descendants and lineal descendants.
Point opposite the Ascendant and cusp of the seventh house; it describes one's interreation with others.
In astrology, the descendant is the point directly opposite, or 180 degrees away from the ascendant. The descendant forms the cusp of the seventh house of the horoscope and refers to partners or relationships. The descendant is ruled by the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra, and its ruler planet, Venus.