living or moving in a group with others of its kind, as in a flock of birds or school of fish
Living in herds or flock (Guralnik 1970)
(basidiocarps) growing in a group.
Growing in groups or colonies.
Going in herds. Fond of company.
Gathering together, especially in groups composed of one species.
tending to form a group with others of the same kind; "gregarious bird species"; "man is a gregarious animal"
Tending to form into groups which possess a social organization, such as schools of fish, herds of mammals, flocks of birds.
to gather, or act, in group, or communal ways
occurring in groups (because female lays eggs in clusters). Many species are gregarious in the early instars, but eventually disperse and become solitary.
living, feeding and/or moving in a group
Habitually living and/or reproducing in more of less pure groups or communities, as opposed to individuals in a mixed crop. Anton. Sporadic. ( BCFT).
Occuring together in groups. Parent Term: Population_terms Difficulty Level
living in groups but not forming a true social colony
Living or feeding in groups.
fond of the company of others; living in herds.
Tending to associate with other animals of its kind; habitually living with other animals of its kind.