A set of criteria used for packet matching according to TCP, UDP, IP, LLC, and/or 802.1P/Q packet fields. A classifier maps each packet to a Service Flow. A Downstream Classifier is used by the CMTS to assign packets to downstream service flows. An Upstream Classifier is used by the CM to assign packets to upstream service flows.
a function that maps testing instances into class labels
a system that automatically classifies texts into one (or more) of a discrete set of predefined categories
a system which classifies given instance in one of N possible classes
a wildcard filter that matches every packet not otherwise matched
an entity which selects packets based on the content of packet headers according to defined rules.
(also: filter or tcf) classifies a network packet by inspecting it, used by QDiscs.
A predictive model that attempts to describe one column (the label) in terms of others (the attributes). A classifier is constructed from data where the label is known, and may be later applied to predict label values for new data where the label is unknown. Internally, a classifier is an algorithm or mathematical formula that predicts one discrete value for each input row. For example, a classifier built from a dataset of iris flowers could predict the type of a presented iris given the length and width of its petals and stamen). Classifiers may also produce probability estimates for each value of the label. For example, a classifier built from a dataset of cars could predict the probability that a specific car was built in the United States. Classifiers only work with discrete labels. A Regressor is the analog of a Classifier for continuous labels.
Method of reading a sequence of bits in a packet header or label and determining how the packet should be forwarded internally and scheduled (queued) for output.
In mathematics, a classifier is a mapping from a (discrete or continuous) feature space X to a discrete set of labels Y.